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Presentations, often described as a 'workshop in a book.'
Larry Tracy -- Former Senior Intelligence Briefer to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Larry Tracy -- Former Senior Intelligence Briefer to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
Alexandria, VA
Thursday, January 2, 2014

Larry Tracy is the author of The Shortcut to Persuasive Presentations, often described as a ?workshop in a book.?

He has been cited in the books The Information Please Business Almanac, What to Say When You?re Dying on the Platform and Best of the Best as one of the top presentation skills coaches in the country. His hands-on coaching is not the rehashed theory of so many ?How to be a better speaker? programs; it flows from his ?been there, done that? experience delivering thousands of presentations, many to skeptical audiences.

He is a retired Army colonel, and formerly headed the Pentagon?s lead briefing team, responsible for daily intelligence briefs to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. He coordinated over 500 of these multi-media sessions, personally briefing the Chairman almost 100 times.

The White House later assigned him to the State Department to debate controversial foreign policy issues in front of hundreds of demanding, even hostile, audiences, leading President Reagan to call him ?An extraordinarily effective speaker.? He has taken this unparalleled experience to the field of speech coaching, and is the ?Preferred Vendor? for the Center for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta for executive presentation skills training in 2014.
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Name: Larry Tracy
Group: Tracy Presentation Skills
Dateline: Bethesda, MD United States
Direct Phone: 571-214-9210
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