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Preparing for the Blizzard of the Century
Rebecca J. Ensign --  Book Publisher and Publishing Services Provider Rebecca J. Ensign -- Book Publisher and Publishing Services Provider
Detroit, MI
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Back in print and pdf
For immediate release from 21st Century Preparedness and Gold Leaf Press

The "Blizzard of the Century" is reeling across the country at this moment. While many people stocked up on food and basic sundries over the past couple days, how prepared are they?

Chances are they feel they have enough food, but have overlooked alternative sources of heat, fuel, and water, and the means and methods of storing and preparing the food for more than a day or two. It is these four elements – Information, Water storage and treatment, Food, and Heat, light and fuel that form the foundation of preparedness, which is self-sufficient living regardless of external circumstances.

The notion of preparedness has been quietly embraced for decades by families and individuals who understood that existing circumstances can and often do change without warning or mercy.

It doesn't take much effort to adopt this point of view – it becomes automatic as soon as a person accepts the fact that external factors – beyond one's control – can have a devastating impact on day to day living. Since 9-11 and the recent economic crisis faced by our country, this perspective has shifted from alternative to mainstream.

This means the students are ready for the teacher to appear. People who have adopted a preparedness lifestyle are starting to recognize the need for taking a more deliberate, strategic approach. Improper food and water storage and preparation can have a counter effect. For this, among many reasons, Gold Leaf Press is pleased to announce that the best-selling preparedness book of all time – Making the Best of Basics is back in print and is available through Gold Leaf Press' new site, 21stcenturyprep.com, a site dedicated to educating and guiding people as they begin and maintain a preparedness lifestyle.

Contact: Rebecca J. Ensign, Publisher, Gold Leaf Press

Visit: 21stcenturyprep.com
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Name: Rebecca J. Ensign
Title: Publisher;Media Relations
Group: Gold Leaf Press Ensignia, Inc
Dateline: , MI United States
Direct Phone: 313.331.3571
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