Home > NewsRelease > Prepare for Influence 2019 Breakout Proposals
Prepare for Influence 2019 Breakout Proposals
National Speakers Association National Speakers Association
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Minneapolis,, MN
Thursday, November 15, 2018


Do you want have an idea, process, or skill that can help other speakers transform their business?

NSA is thrilled to announce that the Influence 2019 breakout session proposal application will be available on Nov. 27, 2018. With your collaboration, our goal is to help transform the speaker business of our attendees through educational sessions focused on the theme of transformation.


Before we open the submission process, we wanted to help you get a jump start on gathering your material.

Some of the items we’ll ask for in the submission are:

  • A Brief Session Title
  • Your Session Description, no more than 100 words
  • If you have a co-presenter or panel
  • A short bio
  • A high resolution photo
  • A video of you speaking; this does not need to be of the session you’re proposing and shouldn’t be your sizzle reel

When preparing your submission, please ensure your proposed session aligns with one of the core tracks below, geared toward transforming speaker businesses in valuable ways:

Platform Skills Track | Elevate Your Performance Results
In the Platform Skills Track, our presenters will unveil the secrets of preparing and executing world-class speeches and performances. You will gain a tactical understanding of advanced storytelling, incorporating humor, perfecting platform skills, and enhancing visual aids.

Sales Track | Securing More Business
In the Sales Track, you will learn the secrets to sell and close more dates. You’ll find out what’s hot, what’s not, and most importantly, how to use this knowledge to level-up your business 10x. Learn new ways to approach prospects, hook them quickly, and close the sale.

Social Media Track | Expand Your Social Influence
The Social Media Track will show you how to transform your business through building and growing your social media presence, and not waste your time doing it. This track tackles topics ranging from which platforms are right for your business to monetizing and generating revenue from followers and engagement. Regardless of your expertise level, this track will help you gain the knowledge to build, grow, and maximize your social reach.

Learning Systems Track | Grow Your E-Learning Impact
Online learning systems have quietly become the key to exponentially growing many speakers’ passive income by taking their clients from “WHAT." to do to “HOW.." Whether you want to create a new system, or you want to grow and monetize your existing system at a higher level, the Learning Systems Track is designed to help you do just that. This track will take you through sales funnels, membership sites, creating your value ladder, and much more.

Publishing Track | Publish Like A Pro
The book publishing business is transforming, are you? Taught by certified best-selling authors, book agents, and publishers, the Publishing Track is designed to transform your writing style, writing career, and writing income, plus leverage the books you’ve already written.

Submissions will close on Jan. 18, 2018. Influence 2019 will be held July 27-30, 2019, at the Gaylord Rockies Resort & Convention Center in Denver, CO. Click here to learn more about Influence.

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Jaime Nolan, CAE
Title: President & CEO
Group: National Speakers Association
Dateline: Minneapolis,, MN United States
Direct Phone: 480-968-2552
Main Phone: 480-968-2552
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