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Practical Caregiver Tips for Coping with Anxiety and Stress
Pamela D. Wilson - Caregiving Expert, Advocate & Speaker Pamela D. Wilson - Caregiving Expert, Advocate & Speaker
Denver, CO
Thursday, April 25, 2024

Caregiver Tips for Coping With Anxiety and Stress
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Practical Caregiver Tips for Coping with Anxiety and Stress

Denver, CO – April 25, 2024. Coping with the daily challenges of being a caregiver or a care receiver can feel overwhelming when anxiety and stress consume the mind. Caregivers become involved in what they believe will be a short-term responsibility or duty that can last for decades.

On the other hand, health concerns for care receivers may be minor and grow more severe and disabling over time. Examples include many chronic diseases like dementia, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, multiple sclerosis, heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and kidney disease.

Spousal, parent, or adult children caregivers in this role over the long-term benefit from coping strategies to transform anxiety, stress, fear, and worry into positive actions.  

To respond to these challenges, caregiving expert Pamela D Wilson offers a video and a podcast with tips that address caregiver and patient mental and physical breakdowns.

Why The Emotional Impact of Disease on Caregivers and Care Receivers Is Significant

The life experiences of caregivers and care receivers, also called carees, frame daily experiences. Health and financial literacy impact care choices and the ability to receive care, which can result in ongoing frustrations in dealing with healthcare systems.

Additionally, the degree to which caregivers and carees feel they have control over their choices and lives impacts self-esteem, personal beliefs, and coping patterns.  

While caregivers may seek positive reinforcement and appreciation for their efforts, carees may be mentally overwhelmed with thoughts of how or if they can survive illnesses and medical treatments. This difference in emotional positions between caregivers and carees results in internal and external conflicts.  

Personal Transformation Supports Emotional and Physical Healing

In this video and podcast, Wilson shares experiences and stories to help caregivers and persons experiencing health diagnoses identify the potential for transformation to support healing. Transformation efforts include self-management techniques of positive thinking, inspirational activities, meditation, prayer, exercise, information seeking, planning, attending support groups, and relationship building.   

Caregivers and persons navigating health diagnoses can join Wilson's private online support group on Facebook called The Caregiving Trap. Additionally, her free online webinar program, Caring for Aging Parents, supports caregivers and persons needing care. 

Healing for Caregivers and Care Receivers is Possible

Healing for caregivers also involves self-acceptance and knowing that one is doing their best. Healing for persons with chronic health problems can focus on building the will and perseverance to overcome what might be viewed as formidable obstacles.

While outside circumstances can result in worry, fear, or anxiety, becoming internally centered is a way to find peace in the midst of chaos. Wilson's goal in offering this information is to inspire and give individuals hope in the midst of daily challenges.

Wilson's Programs Provide Practical Support for Family Caregivers and Care Receivers

Wilson is a caregiving expert with over twenty years of lived experience supporting caregivers and care receivers. Through information on her website, online courses, YouTube Channel, and international speaking events, she provides practical, detailed step-by-step education and instructions to guide family caregivers and adults facing change in health and uncertainty about the future.  

Learn more about Pamela at www.pameladwilson.com.

CONTACT: Pamela D. Wilson +1 303-810-1816 Email:   Inquiry_For_Pamela@pameladwilson.com


   Check Out Podcast Replays of The Caring Generation® Radio Program for Caregivers and Aging Adults HERE

Pamela D. Wilson, MS, BS/BA, CG, CSA, is an international caregiver subject matter expert, advocate, speaker, and consultant. With more than 20 years of experience as an entrepreneur, fiduciary, and care manager in the fields of caregiving, health, and aging, she delivers one-of-a-kind support for family caregivers and aging adults.

Pamela may be reached at +1 303-810-1816 or through her website.

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Name: Pamela Wilson
Title: Director
Group: Pamela D. Wilson, Inc.
Dateline: Golden, CO United States
Direct Phone: 303-810-1816
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