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Positively Interactive for leaders who want different results
Jim Mathis, IPCS, CSP, CSJMT, MDiv. - The Reinvention PRO Jim Mathis, IPCS, CSP, CSJMT, MDiv. - The Reinvention PRO
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: St. Augustine, FL
Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Jim-Mathis-2013Jim Mathis, IPCS, CSP, CJMT, M.Div. 
The Reinvention PRO™
Certified John Maxwell Team Speaker & Trainer
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Reinvention Made Easy

Change Your Strategy,

Change Your Results!

BESTSELLING Reinvention Made Easy is about how to adjust successfully to a world of higher expectations and constant change.  It's about how companies and individuals are rediscovering their roots and reinventing themselves for the new world of business.  It's about how the traditional old world is rapidly passing and what is replacing it today.  It's a journey that you must make if you want to survive into the next decade of the Twenty First Century. Are you ready?


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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Jim Mathis, PCS, CSP, CSJMT
Title: The Reinvention PRO
Group: Reinvention Nation
Dateline: St. Augustine, FL United States
Direct Phone: 404-922-8199
Cell Phone: 404-922-8199
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