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Wednesday, August 4, 2021
Polished by tu-anhhttps://polishedbytuanh.comWed, 20 May 2020 21:41:17 +0000en-UShourly 1 by tu-anhhttps://polishedbytuanh.com323252104188 - 16 Reasons Why I Got a Dog Instead of a Cat., 20 May 2020 23:11:00 +0000 reading ?]]>
Star Angel resting on Rex Titan.Everyone in my life who are close to me know how crazy-obsessed I am with cats because of their feminine, sensual, and spiritually enchanting energy. In addition to that, they are independent and don’t require much to be happy other than food, water, a litter box and plenty of alone time to lounge around and sleep or just be lazy. They are also naturally clean and quiet creatures as well for those who do not have much time to clean or to relax. Cats can also be moody, feisty, distant and most of the time they act like you don’t even exist. Have you ever tried to tell a cat what to do? Good luck! On the other hand, dogs are loyal, cuddly, silly and upbeat. They love you no matter what and just like men, they don’t mind being bossed around and directed as long as you are clear in your communication with what you want them to do. So after experiencing a whole lot of female drama at work and in my personal life and with much contemplation, I am so ready for a fun-filled life free from drama! And I got a puppy! Below are reasons why being around dog-energy is much better for me in this moment of my life: Star Angel with her girlfriends, Mary and Princess.- They are open-hearted. They are not guarded in their energy. What you see is what you get with them.
- They are always ready to play and have fun where as cats are temperamental and inconsistent in mood.
- They are more adventurous and more open to exploring unknown territory.
- They love the outdoors and nature just like me. So I get plenty of exercise when around them.
- They are open and expressive with their emotions.
- They are loyal.
- They are not afraid to take action and face their fears.
- They are outgoing and are not afraid of people like cats.
- They love kisses and affection regularly just like me and I love that.
- They follow and listen to you, unlike cats who do what they want and when they want to do it.
- They protect you from danger instead of run away and hide like cats.
- They are not afraid to get dirty and physical.
- They are not picky with food. I love cooking different things for my dog and she eats everything, except for when I make only vegetarian meals.
- They love to travel.
- Most importantly, they are affectionate and are not afraid to express their unconditional love and devotion to you openly.
- As for my little cuteness of a puppy, Star Angel. My favorite is when she kisses and cuddles in bed with me, bites me all over as expression of love and calmly chill by my side when I am practicing Yoga or pulling Angel Cards.
I would love to have a Doggy Day Camp in my own backyard.Do you have a dog? Share with me something you love about your dog or send me photos. One day when I am in need of quiet and alone time, I might reconsider and get a kitten as I think they are so darling, soft and precious. ]]> - Full Moon in Scorpio Wisdom from Charlie Chaplin, 07 May 2020 03:11:00 +0000 reading ?]]>
Full Moon in Washington DC by Savas BozkurtHappy Full Moon in Scorpio! It’s time to awaken that life force within and open your heart to receive God’s gift to you, and that is the gift of self-love and self-respect. My beautiful and exotic College roommate and good friend Heather Waugh shared something on her Facebook wall today about Charlie Chaplin and I thought that you might feel inspired by. Heather and I went to High School and Art School together. We were both addicted to food, art, music, club dancing, and fashion of course! We had so many good memories and fun, free, fabulous and feminine times. I am so happy to have found her again after so many years. Heather is currently an artist, graphic designer, photographer, fashionista, working mother, astrologer, and healer. From Heather… The moon is waxing full today and tonight, reaching culmination at 17°20' Scorpio at 6:45 am EDT tomorrow morning. It’s time to shed skin, resurrect the life force and open the heart even more. Sharing insight from Charlie Chaplin, born with a natal moon at 9°24' Scorpio conjunct ascendant. “As I began to love myself I found that anguish and emotional suffering are only warning signs that I was living against my own truth. Today, I know, this is “AUTHENTICITY”. As I began to love myself I understood how much it can offend somebody if I try to force my desires on this person, even though I knew the time was not right and the person was not ready for it, and even though this person was me. Today I call it “RESPECT”. As I began to love myself I stopped craving for a different life, and I could see that everything that surrounded me was inviting me to grow. Today I call it “MATURITY”. As I began to love myself I understood that at any circumstance, I am in the right place at the right time, and everything happens at the exactly right moment. So I could be calm. Today I call it “SELF-CONFIDENCE”. Photo by Charles Martin Photography of moi at age 31.As I began to love myself I quit stealing my own time, and I stopped designing huge projects for the future. Today, I only do what brings me joy and happiness, things I love to do and that make my heart cheer, and I do them in my own way and in my own rhythm. Today I call it “SIMPLICITY”. As I began to love myself I freed myself of anything that is no good for my health – food, people, things, situations, and everything that drew me down and away from myself. At first I called this attitude a healthy egoism. Today I know it is “LOVE OF ONESELF”. As I began to love myself I quit trying to always be right, and ever since I was wrong less of the time. Today I discovered that is “MODESTY”.As I began to love myself I refused to go on living in the past and worrying about the future. Now, I only live for the moment, where everything is happening. Today I live each day, day by day, and I call it “FULFILLMENT”.As I began to love myself I recognized that my mind can disturb me and it can make me sick. But as I connected it to my heart, my mind became a valuable ally. Today I call this connection “WISDOM OF THE HEART”.We no longer need to fear arguments, confrontations or any kind of problems with ourselves or others. Even stars collide, and out of their crashing new worlds are born. Today I know “THAT IS LIFE”!” — Charlie Chaplin Photo of me by Charles Martin Photography]]> - How COVID Might Transform Our World – A Historical Perspective – Dr. Alan Glazier, 27 Apr 2020 01:11:32 +0000 reading ?]]>
Thank you to Andre Biscoe for the beautiful photo of Georgetown!Greetings, I hope you are enjoying a lot of quality time at home with your family or alone with yourself. I believe that COVID-19 is an act of GOD to teach us another lesson and awaken us to surrender and let go of control and our attachments to the material world, to face our own inner darkness and fears, test our patience, our truths, our faith in Him, and our love for humanity and also for his beautiful Earth and its natural existence. Have you noticed the past month or so that the flowers and leaves are so rich in colors, the water and sky so blue and clear, and the sun so happy shining upon you? Even on rainy days, I think the rain sounds like it is singing outside of my windows instead of crying. We have been so greedy in the material world that we have disrespected the natural world of the Universe in which God had created for us all to share and to enjoy in peace and harmony. Well, enough about my thoughts, I will share more on a later post. In the meantime, below is an article written by one of my very fun and fearless masculine titan clients, Dr. Alan Glazier that I thought you might enjoy reading from a historical perspective. Just over 100 years ago we dealt with the first major pandemic of the post-industrialized world, the 1918 influenza pandemic. This pandemic claimed 50 million lives or 2.5% of the world’s population at the time. The flu came in three waves, the first being relatively mild, then approximately 5 months later a second wave that was more lethal and a third and final wave in early 1919 that was intermediate in severity between the two. It was the worst pandemic since the black death, approximately 500 years earlier. Studying past pandemics and extrapolating social and economic changes that occurred post-pandemic offer some window into what our post COVID world might look like, for better or worse. Fortunately, there were many positive changes to society that came out of an even worse pandemic. Thank you Mary Chrystalene for the beautiful photo from your bike ride!From a health care standpoint, countries came out of the 1918 pandemic with recognition of the increased importance of the need to coordinate health care internationally. There were several international organizations founded to combat a future global threat including the now-defunct League of Nations which partially morphed into today’s World Health Organization (WHO). (1) The 1920s witnessed a rebirth of interest in socialized medicine in many countries, but the US leaned towards instituting employer-based insurance plans. Although different countries took different directions, all nations took steps to consolidate and expand access to healthcare in post flu years. We are facing the reality of a fragmented health care system with a large, aging population and the likelihood of future pandemics we aren’t prepared for. It’s likely that the healthcare debate will be even more front-and-center than it has in the past and is likely to impact the upcoming election more than it may in a pre-COVID world. Love my neighbor’s front yard on North 22nd Street.Economically things fared somewhat better. Most of the economic effects of the 1918 influenza pandemic were short-term. Businesses in the service and entertainment industries suffered the greatest losses, but businesses that specialized in health care products experienced a net increase in revenues subsequent to the period of downturn. This bodes well for the eye care industry. Cities and states that experienced greater mortality rates experienced a greater increase in wage growth; states with larger mortality rates resulted in increasingly higher rates of growth in per capita income after the pandemic Environmentally we already see some “clouds lifting” (pun intended) that hopefully will result in more permanent and positive medium-to-long-term changes. In Beijing and LA smog has lifted and air quality across the US has improved dramatically. Locals in Venice have noticed how clear the water appears perhaps due to the lack of motorboats and general crowds and pollution. These clearer waters have even led to wildlife appearing in the canals with swans, fish and more spotted in recent days. (2) Beautiful photo of Lancaster, California from my beautiful niece Bella.Socially, the recentering of family life seems to be occurring; general social trends such as people reconnecting with loved ones for an extended period of time for the first time in a long time. Citizens are coming together at their own risk to help the sick regardless of race or political party. Crime rates are down and looting, predicted to be a big issue hasn’t been a problem as of the time this article was published. When this is all over it is likely many people will have renewed appreciation for social contact. Business owners whose business survives will be better prepared to survive future crises and employees and business owners will have a newfound appreciation for each other. From a medical and scientific angle, society is learning about the value of social distancing as a method of avoiding disease. It is possible that in hindsight this pandemic was a shot across the bow that saves us from an even worse pandemic, maybe even saves our society at some point. Social distancing was something most of society paid little attention to in terms of importance during previous epidemics and pandemics. The world-wide emphasis on the importance of social distancing is a lesson that’s likely to stick with our society, helping us to better survive pandemics in the future when they occur. The intense drive to find a cure will not only lead to a deeper understanding of virology of influenza viruses and the database of knowledge gleaned from these efforts will undoubtedly lead to new, improved therapies and advances in public health and biotechnology. People will be more aware of the importance of handwashing and other hygienic advice and incorporate them into their daily lives, increasing the general health of the population subsequent to this pandemic. If past pandemics are any lesson, we can look forward to benefitting from what now are painful lessons for our society and take steps to mitigate damage from future pandemics. In the meantime, there are signs that while painful, there is hope that good things will come out of these trying and difficult times. Photo by moi of Historic Old Town Alexandria, Virginia.]]> - How to Attract a Taurus Goddess., 24 Apr 2020 01:11:00 +0000 reading ?]]>
 Water, solitude, sunshine, and something pink and soft=my recipe for peace and happiness. On behalf of my Taurus sister goddesses, I am dedicating this post to all the titans out there who have not had much luck in attracting and keeping a Taurus goddess in a romantic relationship. The good news is that there is hope. We just have to share with you a few simple secrets that you can try out. Honestly, we are what you see is what you get goddesses. Just keep reading this post and you will know how. Soon you will be the titan that your Taurus goddess adores and you can thank me with flowers and chocolates later. (smiles) To understand a Taurus goddess, you must first know that she is a fixed earth sign, and she is ruled by Venus, the goddess of love, beauty, and sensuality. Born during the most beautiful season of the year, between April 20 and May 20, she is earthy, loving, sensual, passionate, grounded, loyal, nurturing, dependable, practical, persistent, independent, creative, soulful, and deeply a romantic at heart. She can also be very determined and stubborn if she truly believes in something. Once her mind is made up, it is often difficult to convince her to change it, especially when she has decided she is done with you. There is no turning back and it will take a whole lot of convincing to win her back or earn her trust again. The Taurus goddess loves all things beautiful and pleasing to the senses. That includes people and surroundings as well. She is the most sensual sign in the zodiac. So anything that brings beauty, love, comfort, luxury, and of quality to her life will catch her attention. Even though she is modern and forward thinking, she still appreciates old fashion courtship and chivalry from the titans in her life. So little thoughtful actions such as opening the door for her, walking her to the car, picking her up for a date and then calling or sending her a note after to say thank you and to make sure she is home safely mean more to her than any expensive gifts that you can ever buy.  Nature therapy with my young Goddess in training and Angel advisor, Kiwi Love. The Taurus goddess is ultra-feminine and is quite popular with the opposite sex. But because she exudes so much love and light that even children and animals are also drawn to her powerful essence. If you are interested in a Taurus goddess, then you must stand out from the rest of the men that are after her. Read on below and find out how. This is just my personal opinion only, but I know it will help you attract and keep any goddess in your life forever and not just Tauruses! (Smiles) Masculinity: No matter what….never give your alpha-maleness and masculine-titan-power away! But make sure that when in private, you are capable of being open, sensitive and connect with her on an emotional level. And when you are polished and intelligent and know handy tasks to assist her, then she will be yours! Chivalry: One of the things I am most bothered by is when a titan does not have polished manners. I personally have experienced this as well as seen it. The goddess must always walk on the protected side of the street, does not matter left or right in my opinion. When she offers to pay or to drive, you should not let her do so. She will automatically put you in the friend zone. Why? Because you will fall into the “too nice” “too sweet” and then she would never feel safe with you. A Taurus goddess wants a titan who respects and adores her, but who can lead the way and know how to take charge! Most importantly, never use profanity or unpleasant language around her. You just don’t do that ever! Honesty: Game playing and secrets are not appealing to a Taurus goddess. Be open, be honest, and be real. She loves it! Confidence: You can be confident and fearless without being arrogant. Speaking your mind when something bothers you is quite attractive. That also includes knowing what you want and saying no without guilt is another sexy manly trait. Taking action to achieve a goal is even hotter! Generosity: No goddess wants to be with a cheap and calculating titan. And no matter how many times she offers, do not ever let her pay for you in public! You will for sure end up in the forever friend zone. (Ex. if you are out with a goddess and her girlfriends, you must take care of all of them, not just her!) This may be a cultural thing and many of you may disagree with me. But the way I was brought up is that the titan always pays. It does not matter if he is a family member, friend, or business associate young or old, he pays when out in public with a female. It makes him look good, but it also shows that he respects the female he is with. Kindness: It is not about how kind you are to the goddess you are with, but also how you treat those around you, and that includes your family, your friends, your co-workers, children, plants and animals! Intelligence: Need I say more? You have to be intelligent to keep a Taurus goddess interested in you! Security: A Taurus goddess is very capable of taking care of herself financially, but she likes to be pampered and protected. Knowing that you are good with finances and that you are successful in your work makes her feel comforted knowing that the future with you will be provided for should she decide to be a sexy stay at home domesticated goddess keeping everything at home tidy, comfortable, and beautiful for you and cooking you 5-star gourmet delicious meals! Conversations: A titan who can engage in conversations of all sorts and if he is a good listener, WOW!  Model-Yogi-Healer-Taurus goddess soulmate, Christina will be back from Mykonos this Fall leading yoga and meditation sessions at my sanctuary. Grooming: It is very attractive when a titan takes care of his appearance and health. But remember, we would not want you to spend more time in front of the mirror than we do. Keep your style powerful, polished, refined, yet relaxed depending on the occasion. But, please keep those cartoony-colorful ties, underpants, and happy socks out of her sight. They are not sexy and will turn her off forever! Family: The Taurus goddess loves her family and is attached to them. So you must love her family as well as be close to yours. Privacy: Taurus goddesses love our quiet intimate quality time with you. We don’t need to share you with the world. We like to know that you are ours and ours only. Others do not need to know the intimate details of our relationship. Romance: This is almost as important as chivalry. Little acts of kindness, soft unexpected sensual touches, and simple surprises like hand-picked flowers or a voicemail or text in the middle of the day to say you miss her or thinking of her are very romantic and will make her heart melt with pleasure. Bedroom Passion: This is last, but probably one of the most important if you want a Taurus goddess to be a forever loyal lover to you. She is sensual and loves sexual pleasure. She likes it slow, passionate, tender and intimate, yet rough and intense. She likes it real and natural. Using toys and funny looking objects will not turn her on. You must seduce, entice, and tease her with your natural masculine energy. Take the time to feel every minute of what you are experiencing with her, be present and in the moment. Be spontaneous, adventurous, go with the flow, let your heart rule when making love to her. A Taurus goddess loves a titan who knows how to take charge in the bedroom as well as outside of the bedroom. What is even sexier is when you need guidance on how to bring her pleasure, and you are not afraid to ask her to show you!  Keep the bedroom simple and clean. White and cotton are sexy! If you are currently dating or married to a Taurus goddess, consider yourself very blessed! There is one more thing that you should know. It takes a lot to get a Taurus goddess upset because she is ruled by Venus and is naturally loving and prefers peace over war by nature. She is patient and can tolerate a lot. But if you disrespect her, we will be worse than fire, windstorm and thunder all together. She will leave you forever and never look back. She is a female bull!  ]]> - Is Your Bedroom Serving Its Purpose?, 20 Apr 2020 03:11:35 +0000 reading ?]]>
I love taking time getting ready in my bedroom. Lace is always a part of my wardrobe.I don’t know about you, but my bedroom is my most important and most sacred space in my home. It is my sanctuary and my go to space to de-stress, relax, and feel feminine and sensual, especially since the Coronavirus disease officially began. My bedroom is where I go to disconnect from the chaotic life outside my home. It is my private getaway for restoration and rejuvenation of my mind, body, and spirit and only the blessed and pure souls with hearts of gold like children and animals are welcomed.  You are probably wondering what about the titan lover? Well, I will leave that up to your imagination (wink) Since this not so pleasant disease began, married couples are spending more time at home together and let’s just say, not all of their bedroom activities have been fun and exciting. I know so because I hear it from friends and clients and also some of you have been messaging me through Social Media, emails, and calls asking for goddess guidance. That is why I think perhaps the Feng Shui in the bedroom could be off and needs some energy cleansing to spice things up in the relationship. So below are my three questions for you to think about, even if you are currently in a relationship with yourself. (smiles) - Does your bedroom inspire good sleep, peace, calm and relaxation?
- Does your bedroom spark feelings of desire, fun, and sensual pleasures within you and/or with your romantic other?
- Does your bedroom create the ambiance where sacred lovemaking and great sex can take place with yourself or with your lover?
If you have answered “No” to one or all of the above, then your bedroom life needs help and it’s time to give it a makeover and there is no better time than now. So no excuses, let’s get started and keep me posted along the way or contact me if you need support on what to do and where to begin. Have fun and I am sure for some of you, it may be an emotional roller coaster ride during the process. My bedroom is currently a nightly dance Studio right now teaching women how to awaken their inner Goddesses for themselves and their lovers.]]> - Let Laughter and Nature Be Our Medicine!, 22 Mar 2020 15:11:57 +0000 reading ?]]>
Flowers have a soft and natural way of healing your soul.During this time of the Coronavirus pandemic, we can choose to let fear and anxiety take over our lives or we can choose to keep the joy and laughter as our natural medicine for mental health and well being. Every day I wake up choosing to be happy and to live that day as though it is my last day that I have to live which means no looking back at yesterday or worrying about tomorrow. Instead, I just go about my day working hard with a positive attitude and then making time after work for some playtime with those who love and appreciate life as much as I do. And believe me, we always have so much fun and we enjoy every moment of it. So to prevent the fears and negativity that is spreading so quickly around us, I thought the following jokes that my brothers shared this morning with our family would light up your spirits as you go about your day. We are all one and we are all connected. Let’s focus on staying strong and centered in our core and spread our love for life and keep our community awakened and lifted. I hope you like the jokes below: 1. When your life is in darkness, pray to God and ask Him to free you from darkness….. and if you are still in darkness..Please pay your Electrical bill. 2. When a man opens the door of his car for his wife, you can be sure of one thing; Either the car is new or the wife. 3. What’s the difference between stress, tension and panic? Stress is when wife is pregnant,… Tension is when girlfriend is pregnant. Panic is when both are pregnant. 4. Grammar Teacher: Do you know the importance of a period? Kid: “Yeah, once my sister said she has missed one, my mom fainted, dad got a heart attack & our driver ran away…” 5. A young boy asks his Dad : “What is the difference between confident and confidential? Dad says: “You are my son, I’m confident about that. Your friend over there, is also my son, that is confidential.” 6. Someone asked an old man : “Even after 70 years, you still call your wife Darling, Honey, Love.” What’s the secret?” Old man : “I forgot her name and I’m scared to ask her!” 7. A bookseller conducting a market survey asked a woman: “Which book has helped you most in your life?” The woman replied , “My husband’s checque book!” Laughter is the best and cheapest medicine. Happy Beautiful Sunday! Much love and inner peace to you… ]]> - 8 Reasons Why You Are Not Where You Want to Be., 28 Feb 2020 16:11:13 +0000 reading ?]]>
My best friend and owner of Shiny Carpet Cleaning is the perfect example of Confidence, Discipline and Action.Ever wonder why your life is not where you want it to be? Are you frustrated because you have worked so hard and yet, there is nothing to show for it? Well, it all begins with you. In my opinion, having passion and knowing what you want for your life play crucial roles in helping you to get there. But perhaps there are some things that you are currently lacking that may be preventing you from reaching your fullest potential and living your best life. I am speaking from my very own personal experience. I have had to learn some very hard lessons along the way. Below are just some of my thoughts on why you still are not where you want to be in your life: 1. Lack of Planning You can see your happy and successful future so clearly, but what is missing is a plan on how you will get there. What are you waiting for? Start planning! No one will do that for you. Let’s get to work and implement those plans! 2. Lack of Self Confidence How can anyone believe in you if you don’t believe in yourself? Your lack of self confidence will prevent you from reaching your goals because fear takes over and you are entertaining it. Don’t allow fear to get in the way. 3. Lack of Focus Focusing on the wrong things can be unproductive and a time waster. Do you know the top 3 priorities in your life? Write those down and keep them somewhere that you see regularly to keep you on track. If anything or anyone get in the way of those priorities, drop them. 4. Lack of Discipline We are not born disciplined. To me this is a learned behavior. When we lack discipline, we lack initiative and we lack inner strength. Being a disciplined person takes effort, but it also requires you to train your mind and tell yourself that you are a disciplined person. 5. Lack of guidance and support You are who you surround yourself with. Who are the people closest to you? Who are the top 5 people you spend most of your time with? Are they on the same life path and purpose as you? I have many friends after 20 years, still struggling in the same life’s challenges. It’s because they surround themselves with people who do not share their path of success and happiness. You are a product of your environment and surroundings. Surround yourself with people who will guide and support your path to reaching your fullest potential and who challenges you to live your best life! 6. Lack of Accountability When you take responsibility for your life, it puts you at choice. Choose to be in the driver seat instead of just going with the flow or follow along. If you don’t hold yourself accountable, then who will? Drive your life and get to the destination of your dreams! ” It is not what we only do, but also what we do not do, for which we are accountable.” ~John Baptiste Moliere 7. Lack of Faith How can your dreams come true if you don’t believe that they will? Faith helps you to overcome obstacles that get in the way of success. When we have faith, everything and anything are possible. 8. Lack of Action This to me is the most important above all else. Without action, there is no result and your dreams cannot come into reality. Talk is cheap without action to follow. Now is the time to start. Stop talking about what you will do and start doing it. ]]> - What Is Love?, 14 Feb 2020 16:11:47 +0000 reading ?]]>LOVE IS A BEAUTIFUL DANCE BETWEEN TWO LOVERS.
Happy Saint Valentine’s Day to all those of you who celebrate it. For me, every day is Valentine’s Day. Every day is love. Love changes everything. Every day I am in love with love all over again. Love is all I have to give you. And you? What is love to you? Below are my thoughts on love… Love is trust. Love is respect. Love is kindness. Love is loyalty. Love is open communication. Love is patience. Love is understanding. Love is passionate. Love is playful. Love is romantic. Love is adventurous. Love is acceptance. Love is sharing. Love is honest. Love is tenderness. Love is joyful. Love is dramatic. Love is chemistry. Love is unconditional. Love is healthy. Love is mysterious. Love is daring. Love is physical. Love is emotional. Love is sensitive. Love is spiritually fulfilling. Love is quality time spent together. Love is compatibility. Love is appreciation for one another. Love is believing in yourself. Love fills you with laughter. Love makes you cry out of happiness. Love is learning and growing together. Love is an exchange of energy between two whole beings. Love inspires you to become a better version of yourself each day. Being in love and loved by another is one of the most beautiful and deeply satisfying feeling that you will ever experience in your life even if it does not last. So if you are currently in love with that special someone, enjoy it and be present with it. ~Tu-Anh Love ]]> - You’re Invited:Goddess Yoga Evening, 13 Feb 2020 04:11:00 +0000 reading ?]]>
Cathy shining her light-Goddess Style!It’s been a while. My life and work have had a lot of crazy, yet miraculous changes both professionally and personally. I have not had much time to myself. As a true extroverted-introvert, I need a lot of alone time to recharge and go within after a long day of helping and serving others. I cannot remember the last time I took a little retreat just to be with me. Soon I will and you will hear more from me. In the meantime, for those beautiful female readers of mine in the Washington DC Metropolitan Area, I would be delighted to have you join me for a special Goddess Yoga Experience. Please see below for details from my Co-Hostess, Cathy Trenary. Greetings, Beautiful Goddesses! On behalf of Tu-Anh Love, I would like to invite you and your friends to experience a magical and powerful evening full of sensual yoga movement, breath work, chanting, meditation, and celebrating your Shakti goddess energy, the divine feminine within. What is Shakti? Shakti is primordial, divine feminine cosmic energy and creative power. Shakti is the untapped possibilities that resides within each of us. This energy is compared to a serpent sleeping at the base of the spine. When goddess energy is awakened, she travels up the sacred sushumna to the crown chakra to unleash her full potential. In this unique yoga experience, we will pratice tantra yoga through breath work, chanting, and a flowy vinyasa to awaken your senses and ignite your lower chakras. We will activate your Shakti energy and then wind down with candles, aromatherapy, and a luxurious savasana. At the end, goddesses will connect for a mini conversation on the divine feminine, and to set bold intentions sealing them with fresh roses and Tu-Anh Love goddess toast, rose tea, and sweet delights. Following up from that evening, I will offer you unlimited advisory via email or text for 11 days around what was practiced during that evening. When: February 23, 2020 4PM-7:30PM Where: We will meet for some prior fun at my sanctuary (Tu-Anh-113 South Washington Street, Alexandria, VA 22314) and will end the evening at The Lyceum Museum (201 South Washington Street, Alexandria, VA 22314) What to wear: Clothes that allow your body to move with ease while keeping you comfortable and feeling sensual and feminine. Let your hair down, wear some make-up, shower or bathe yourself before arriving. The rest is up to your interpretation of what this means to you! What to bring: Your favorite Yoga Mat, a soft and luxurious wrap or scarf, your journal in case you feel inspired after. Honoring our Sunday Spiritual Practice, Please register by 2pm on 2/22/2020 Please click here to register. Hope to see you there! Cathy after a Goddess Yoga session in one of our Goddess luxury fashion.]]> - How I Cleared My Mind and Purified My Soul., 19 Aug 2019 02:11:38 +0000 reading ?]]>
An hour in the sun a day makes all the different in my energy.Is cleaning a part of your everyday life? For me, decluttering, organizing, beautifying, and tidying up my surroundings at work and at home are natural routines of my holistic lifestyle. Sometimes, I am a bit crazy about it and it has becomes almost an addiction where I cannot be in a space that does not awaken all my senses to the fullest. Cleaning is simply just part of living because if something is dirty, we must clean and disinfect it. We do a good job of cleaning our homes, our cars, our offices, our bodies regularly, but all those are just external activities. How often do we really take the time to do the same internally for our mind, body and spirit? Probably not often or even never. - Before getting out of bed, I stretch, I close my eyes and I take a few very long and slow, but powerful deep breathes while visualizing something of beauty and bliss. Some days I do this in silence and some days, I have my favorite classical song or Buddhist chant playing in the background.
- Writing in my gratitude journal which is by my bedside. I usually write 3-5 things that I am thankful for in my life.
- Taking time to enjoy my coffee by the window while watching the blue jays and red cardinals play with the squirrels
- Allowing my heart to feel what it feels in the moment and I try not to control it
- Nurturing my plants and flowers in the garden
- Taking a long and slow morning walk outside in the sun
- Letting my intuition guide my day and not my mind
- Dreaming and wishing of something beautiful and magical
- Praying is healing
- Singing and dancing even if noone is watching or listening
- Reading a book on a bench in the park and by the water in a white cotton or silk dress
- Going shopping at my favorite Goodwill store to do support its mission
- Yoga at my favorite yoga studio to slow down and get centered
- Saying “I love you”…to the one I love
- Taking a nice and therapeutic bubble bath filled with natural oils, lemon, and dead sea salts which I am about to prepare now
- Lastly, my nightly prayers for all those around me to find love, light, peace, and healing within.
I know when I have too much earth energy in me and I need water to recharge.Lately, I have had a lot of work and personal distractions and not all of them have been positive. I must admit, by the time I get home, I am so drained from my light that my spiritual practice have not been as consistent as I would like them to be. But when I do make the time to focus only on me and for me, I do the following to clear my mind and purify my soul, especially on Sundays since it is my spiritual day. Below are a list of things I did today. I needed to do those things to rid my spirit of all the unwanted chaotic and stressful energy of others that I have absorbed, it is especially difficult when those energy are of the ones you love and care about so much. The list below may be long, sbut it took very little effort to do so and I enjoyed every single one of them. And in a bit I will do 15 and 16. So far, I feel recharged and amazing! I am glad I took the time to be with myself and to enjoy my solitude today. It was much needed natural therapy. And you? How was your Sunday? My favorite time is when I am getting ready for my nightly bath rituals.Photo Credits: Charles Martin – Vintage Dress: Goodwill of Greater Washington DC ]]>