Home > NewsRelease > Plymouth, MI Volunteers to Make 500,000 Meals for Hungry Children Sat. May 12
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Plymouth, MI Volunteers to Make 500,000 Meals for Hungry Children Sat. May 12
Scott Lorenz -- Top Book Publicist Scott Lorenz -- Top Book Publicist
Detroit, MI
Friday, May 11, 2018

1500 Volunteers to Make 500,000 Meals for Hungry Children @ The PARC in Plymouth, MI SAT. May 12
Video Clip: Click to Watch

More than 500,000 meals will be packaged for hungry and needy children on May 12th in Plymouth.  The 2018 Greater Plymouth Service Project will be hosting a grand food packaging event to benefit the "Kids Coalition Against Hunger" at the Plymouth Arts and Recreation Complex (PARC) in downtown Plymouth. The event begins on Saturday, May 12TH from 8am-3pm. (Check out this video overview: http://bit.ly/GPSP2017


The entire community has come together to raise over $70,000 from charitable donations from local service clubs (Rotary, Kiwanis & Lions), churches (NorthRidge & Our Lady of Good Counsel), Chamber of Commerce, Community Foundation, Plymouth Arts & Recreation Complex, local businesses and many private citizens. The George & Mary Smith family donated $10,000 which paid for 35,714 meals. Every dollar goes a long way, in fact, a donation of $250 pays for 839 meals!


"Many hands make for light work as 1,500 community volunteers are needed to package over 500,000 meals for hungry needy children," says Nick Schultz, Chairman of the event.  "Encourage your family, friends and co-workers to join us on May 12TH. We need your help!" Sign up at: www.cfplymouth.org/may12


"Our mission is to significantly reduce the number of hungry children in the USA and feed starving children throughout the world," says Nick Schultz.  "We accomplish this by delivering a highly nutritious meal that was developed by food scientists to provide a rich source of easily digestible protein, carbohydrates, and vitamins needed by an undernourished child's body and mind."


The food is also acceptable to the broad diversity of ethnic tastes and religious differences around the world. The food offers all nine of the essential amino acids required for complete nutrition, something that can't be said about other typical food relief sources such as rice or beans alone. It is also very simple to prepare, requiring only six cups of boiling water to make a complete meal.


One-third of the 500,000 meals that are packaged will go to local communities where they are distributed to various food pantries (i.e. food banks, soup kitchens and backpack programs at the schools) to name a few. The next third goes to over 18 different countries that Kids Coalition Against Hunger supports on an ongoing basis.  The final third is stored in the KCAH Michigan warehouse for disaster relief support.


"Even though we've recruited 1,500 volunteers," says Doug Wallace of Plymouth Township, and membership director for the Plymouth Community Chamber of Commerce, "There's still room for more volunteer." To volunteer or to donate call (734) 453-1540. Or visit www.cfplymouth.org/may12


Donations for the Greater Plymouth Service Project should be made payable to: Community Foundation of Plymouth-GPSP, P.O. Box 700866, Plymouth, MI 48170. CFP is a 501(c)3 nonprofit entity and your gift may be tax deductible. 





Media Contact: Nick Schultz, Chairman Greater Plymouth Service Project

C: 734-634-3060,   Nickschultz515@gmail.com    

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Name: Scott Lorenz
Title: President
Group: Westwind Communications
Dateline: Plymouth, MI United States
Direct Phone: 734-667-2090
Cell Phone: 248-705-2214
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