Home > NewsRelease > Plumas Sierra Rural Electric Cooperative- Disconnects California’s Anti-Smart Meter Activist.
Plumas Sierra Rural Electric Cooperative- Disconnects California’s Anti-Smart Meter Activist.
National Toxic Encephalopathy Foundation National Toxic Encephalopathy Foundation
Las Vegas, NV
Monday, March 10, 2014


The backlash against the "smart meter" deployment is an international movement that has grown from grassroots, to State Officials discrediting the "alleged" claims of conservation to ultimately benefit the energy customer.

Just recently NSTAR Energy Company & Western MA Electric Company filed comments with the MA Public Utilities Commission against the deployment of smart meters. [1]

The battle that Nevada activists enacted resulted in Warren Buffet's buyout of NV Energy, including a commitment in their stipulation that the analog meters would be a permanent opt out. 

Californians aside from taking on the monolithic PG&E, have smaller cooperatives that seem to feel that they are the demi-god of electrical cooperatives.

Plumas Sierra Rural Electric Cooperative (PSREC) decided to puff their "feathers" and disconnect Joshua Hart's analog meter. Hart the founder and Director of Stop Smart Meters Org., who has been medically advised to avoid any type of radiation emissions from energy meters, requires the continued installation of an analog meter. [2]

Aside from placing Hart's health in jeopardy, PSREC decided that uncalled for surveillance was necessary. PSREC showed up and used telephonic lens cameras to photograph the residence of Hart. Thinking that intimidation was going to influence Hart into accepting the harmful smart meter they wanted to install. [3]

PSREC saw no problem in violating Hart's privacy via the photographing of his home. When during a 'public meeting' held by PSREC, their General Manager Bob Marshall flipped out when he was informed he was being videotaped. [4]

Angel De Fazio, President of NTEF and founder of NV Energy Stop Smart Meters, spoke with the supervisor "Susie" at PSREC, on February 21, 2014. Susie claims that there are no smart meters, no 2 way communication meters, only analogs. When questioned further, Susie said that she couldn't discuss a customers bill, which De Fazio never asked for billing or account information, only why were they placing a person with a medical condition in jeopardy.

Hart is currently off the grid, he stated "it's an inconvenience as we live in an all electric home", so he has enacted his own set of survival skills to maintain his health and continue to exist in his world without electricity.

[1] http://pucwatchdogs.com/noinstallenergycompany.pdf

[2] http://stopsmartmeters.org/2014/02/19/disconnected/

[3] http://stopsmartmeters.org/2014/02/20/utility-attempts-stalking-intimidation-tactics-after-disconnect-yesterday/

[4] http://stopsmartmeters.org/2014/02/26/psrec-general-manager-loses-it-after-illegal-disconnect/

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Angel De Fazio, BSAT, BCNHP
Title: President
Group: NTEF
Dateline: Las Vegas, NV United States
Direct Phone: 702.490.9677
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