Pawpress Is Proud To Announce The Birth Of Our New Book
You Are Who You Eat, The Revolutionary New Cannibal Diet
Cartoons, Jokes and Diet Tips for the Cannibal – and Civilian – Connoisseur
Los Angeles, CA, May 10, 2016– Book Release Date: June 8, 2016. What is You Are Who You Eat? Tongue in cheek diet and lifestyle tips by former chubby pre-teen-cum-Weight-Watchers-consultant Ina Silvert Hillebrandt, with social satire and cannibal jokes by Hillebrandt and her Uncle Dan. Plus, a liberal dose of never before released cartoons by the late Dedini, whose art regularly appeared in The New Yorker, Playboy, Esquire and other journals and venues for decades.
The book is intended to share real diet tips with readers, but more importantly, to make people laugh. Which in reality author Hillebrandt feels is also a great weight control tool. To quote her:
"I love it when I can help people who come up to me with questions such as, 'What's the right food for a young athlete before a game?' Answer: 'We've learned that carbo loading is important for enhancing an athlete's performance. So I'd suggest something starchy, like a Nun.'"
About recognition, Pawpress is proud to say that the book has been added to the Dedini collection at the Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum, at Ohio State University. Early reviews include:
"At last! A diet that makes sense!" The Donner Party
"Tch, tch! This is terrible. I love it!" Ron Levitt, Citibank
"Very Viennese. Light, but with an edge."
Al Gollin, formerly with the Newspaper Advertising Bureau
NOTE: You Are Who You Eat is now available for pre-order. Check our new site, visit or ask at your favorite bookstore. Click the man in the mouth to pre-order and get your book delivered in time for Fathers Day!

About Pawpress. The imprint publishes books in the genres of humor, memoirs, poetry, self-help and fiction. Other titles include best sellers, Pawprints, the book of close encounters of the furry kind by Ina Hillebrandt, and Stories From The Heart, Vol. 2, a collection of stories by students from many countries and eras; Hillebrandt's How to Write Your Memoirs—Fun Prompts to Make Writing, and Reading Your Life Stories a Pleasure; Wine, Women, Whispers, by Alon Mintz. To see all Pawpress books please visit PawpressBooks
If you would like more information about You Are Who You Eat, such as why one should eat Wright, and other healthful Farmed Families, about our authors or other Pawpress books, please visit our websites: and or contact Anna Paws at (310) 497-5653,
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