Home > NewsRelease > "One-and-Done" Brain Tumor Therapy Wins Gold Stevie® for Improving Standard of Clinical Care, Patient Experience
"One-and-Done" Brain Tumor Therapy Wins Gold Stevie® for Improving Standard of Clinical Care, Patient Experience
The Stevie Awards -- Michael Gallagher The Stevie Awards -- Michael Gallagher
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Washington, DC
Friday, March 31, 2023


ABA22_spotlight Square-7Formed in 2017 by a group of brain tumor specialists, Stevie-winner GT Medical Technologies is an Arizona-based medical device company focused on improving the lives of patients with brain tumors.

GT has developed an innovative approach to treatment by combining a conformable collagen matrix with brachytherapy (radiation) seeds.In January 2019, the company introduced its breakthrough medical device GammaTile® Therapy, a safe and effective Surgically Targeted Radiation Therapy (STaRT) for operable brain tumors. This product won GT a Gold Stevie Award in The 2022 American Business Awards®. 

GammaTile® Therapy
With traditional external beam radiation (EBRT), patients typically must wait for the surgical wounds to heal before starting treatment. From there, it often requires as many as 30 treatments for many consecutive weeks. Patients and families are faced with the daily burden of time and travel to the medical center.GT Med Tech info graphic

Fundamentally different from EBRT, GammaTile Therapy is a “one-and-done” treatment, implanted at the time of brain tumor removal surgery. Treatment starts immediately and continues as patients go about their daily lives. Clinical data demonstrates that immediate radiation improves local tumor control and can extend survival in patients who are treated with surgery plus GammaTile Therapy.

In addition to sparing patients and families the time and energy that traditional EBRT treatments would require, GammaTile Therapy helps minimize patients’ potential exposure to COVID-19 and other infectious diseases by eliminating the need for ongoing radiation appointments.

Impact on Clinical Care, Patient Access
Before this therapy, there had not been an improvement to the standard treatment care protocol for patients with brain tumors in over 10 years. Even with full market release concurring with the start of a global pandemic in March 2020, resulting in significant challenges relating to hospital access, GammaTile is now in over 50 top brain tumor centers across the United States.

Currently, there is no other device on the market that can achieve what GammaTile Therapy does for its patients—it’s the first brain tumor device of its kind. Some might consider long-standing brain tumor treatments that serve as the standard of care in oncology as GammaTile Therapy's competitors. GT Medical Technologies believes it's important to individualize treatment and provide all options to the patient. Progress in cancer treatments is not about competition, it’s about expanding the array of therapies, so patients and their providers can optimize options. GammaTile Therapy was developed to meet an unmet clinical need, providing a safe and effective option for patients who had/have none.

The extended FDA clearance the company received in 2020 was a significant moment, enabling patients with newly diagnosed malignant brain tumors to become eligible for GammaTile, as opposed to just patients with recurrent brain tumors.

The clinical trials focused on GammaTile by leading healthcare institutions examine the importance of the treatment and the willingness of the healthcare community to embrace it. The clinical data noted demonstrates that immediate radiation improves local tumor control and can extend survival in patients who are treated with surgery plus GammaTile Therapy.

GammaTile data has also been published in the Journal of Neuro-Oncology Advances on December 27th, highlighting the product safety profile and favorable survival outcomes. 

GT Medical Technologies won a Gold Stevie Award for Company of the Year - Health Products Services in The 2022 American Business Awards.

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Name: Michael Gallagher
Title: Executive Chairman
Group: The Stevie Awards
Dateline: Fairfax, VA United States
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