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On Translating Vision into Reality…
Marsha Egan, CSP - Workplace Productivity Coach and E-mail Expert Marsha Egan, CSP - Workplace Productivity Coach and E-mail Expert
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Nantucket, MA
Wednesday, April 17, 2024

lt;pgt;"Great leaders know how to translate vision into reality. " This Warren Bennis quote was the subject of this week's Monday Motivator. lt;a href="https://marsha-egan.s3.amazonaws.com/2024/04/vision_leader_1712328611.jpg"gt;lt;img fetchpriority="high" decoding="async" class="aligncenter size-medium wp-image-15735" src="https://marsha-egan.s3.amazonaws.com/2024/04/vision_leader_1712328611-300x201.jpg" alt height="201" "https://marsha-egan.s3.amazonaws.com/2024/04/vision_leader_1712328611-300x201.jpg 300w, https://marsha-egan.s3.amazonaws.com/2024/04/vision_leader_1712328611-1024x685.jpg 1024w, https://marsha-egan.s3.amazonaws.com/2024/04/vision_leader_1712328611-768x514.jpg 768w, https://marsha-egan.s3.amazonaws.com/2024/04/vision_leader_1712328611.jpg 1280w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px"gt;lt;/agt;lt;/pgt; lt;pgt;Here are three ways they do it. Time for a gut check…lt;/pgt; lt;olgt; lt;ligt;lt;stronggt;Inspiring Otherslt;/stronggt;: Great leaders motivate their teams by articulating a compelling vision that resonates with their values and aspirations. They use persuasive communication and storytelling to ignite enthusiasm and commitment among team members.lt;/ligt; lt;ligt;lt;stronggt;Setting Clear Objectiveslt;/stronggt;: Effective leaders establish specific, measurable goals that align with the overarching vision. By breaking down the vision into actionable steps, they provide clarity and direction for their teams, fostering focus and accountability.lt;/ligt; lt;ligt;lt;stronggt;Leading by Examplelt;/stronggt;: Leading from the front, great leaders demonstrate the behaviors and work ethic they expect from their team members. By embodying the values and principles of the vision, they inspire trust and respect, creating a culture of excellence and integrity within the organization.lt;/ligt; lt;/olgt; lt;footer class="entry-meta"gt; This entry was posted in lt;a href="https://www.marshaegan.com/category/success-strategies/" rel="category tag"gt;Success Strategieslt;/agt;. Bookmark the lt;a href="https://www.marshaegan.com/on-translating-vision-into-reality/" title="Permalink to On Translating Vision into Reality…" rel="bookmark"gt;permalinklt;/agt;. lt;/footergt;lt;!-- .entry-meta --gt;
About Marsha Egan, CPCU, CSP, PCC, ICF-Certified CoachMarsha Egan, is CEO of the Egan Group, Inc., Nantucket MA and an internationally recognized professional speaker. She is a leading authority on email productivity. Her acclaimed ?12 Step Program for E-Mail E-ddiction? received international attention, being featured on ABC Nightly News, Fox News, and newspapers across the globe. In early 2009, the program was adapted into a book, Inbox Detox and the Habit of E-mail Excellence (Acanthus 2009 - http://InboxDetox.com/book) Marsha works with forward-thinking organizations that want to create a profit-rich and productive email culture. Marsha was named one of Pennsylvania?s Top 50 Women in Business in 2006.
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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Marsha Egan, CPCU, PCC
Title: CEO
Group: InboxDetox.com, a division of The Egan Group, Inc.
Dateline: Nantucket, MA United States
Cell Phone: 610-780-1640
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