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New Book 'Great Stories'
Richard Weeder --   Surgeon, Teacher. Published Writer Richard Weeder -- Surgeon, Teacher. Published Writer
Chicago, IL
Monday, March 11, 2024


Dr. Richard Weeder's latest book, "Great Stories" is divided into five parts. The first, entitled 'Cancer and Helth' includes a restatement of Dr. Weeder's proven and revolutionary thesis naming the failure of immunity as the cause of cancer. It includes advice for the cancer patient on how to survive. Part two contains stories of extraordinary interest such as the invention that reversed the course of World WarTwo. Part Three tells tales of the sea, recounted by a world-famous tug-boat captain. Part Four comments on the state of our society and what can be done about it. Part Five consists of over one hundred aphorisms that in a light-hearted way deal with how we behave or misbehave.

This is Dr. Weeder's seventh book; the first two were best-sellers, one presented on Oprah Winfrey's show. His second changed the course of cancer treatment. This last is also informative as well as more entertaining.

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Richard S. Weeder, M.D. FACS
Group: Richard Weeder Cancer Education Foundation
Dateline: Highland Park, IL United States
Direct Phone: 609 510 3237
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