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Nation's Largest-Ever Celebration of Education Reform Kicks Off Next Week
National School Choice Week National School Choice Week
New Orleans, LA
Saturday, January 14, 2012

In just one week, tens of thousands of Americans in all 50 states will gather for the largest celebration of education reform in American history.

National School Choice Week – a series of hundreds of events shining a spotlight on the need for better educational options for children, will kick off at a special event in New Orleans, Louisiana on January 21, 2012 and run until January 28, 2012.

During National School Choice Week (www.SchoolChoiceWeek.com), more than 250 events will take place in every corner of the nation. Everyone from children, parents, teachers, and community leaders – to celebrities, sports figures, elected officials, and more – will participate in this unprecedented bipartisan commemoration. In addition, governors from across the country are expected to commemorate the Week with special proclamations.

Supporters of National School Choice Week believe that children and families deserve increased access to great public schools, public charter schools, virtual schools, private schools, and homeschooling. Advocates also believe that with high dropout rates plaguing many school districts – one child drops out of an American school every 26 seconds – and with America's standing in math and literacy rankings lagging behind 34 other countries, educational choice is an essential solution to the growing crisis of educational quality.

The Week will kick off on Saturday, January 21, 2012 with a major celebration featuring The Temptations and Ellis Marsalis at 10:30 AM at the Lakefront Arena in New Orleans. For more information or to find an event near you, please visit www.SchoolChoiceWeek.com.

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Andrew R. Campanella
Title: President
Group: National School Choice Week
Dateline: Miramar Beach, FL United States
Direct Phone: 202-276-1303
Cell Phone: 202-276-1303
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