Home > NewsRelease > National Marijuana Business Conference to Be Held in Seattle Nov 2013
National Marijuana Business Conference to Be Held in Seattle Nov 2013
Marijuana Business Daily Marijuana Business Daily
Denver, CO
Monday, December 17, 2012

The National Marijuana Business Conference has announced its next big annual show will be held in Seattle Washington on November 7-8, 2013.  Nearly 500 cannabis business professionals are expected to attend (consumers and patients are not invited).  The Conference is America's only national trade show serving the legal cannabis and marijuana industry.  More information on speakers, sponsors, and reservations is at http://www.nationalmarijuanabusinessconference.com

The National Marijuana Business Conference is produced by MMJ Business Daily - America's only professionally-produced trade journal to the cannabis industry.  Attendees from across the US include major press, dispensary owners, infused product makers, marjiuana lawyers, cannabis business investors, and professionals from ancillary businesses.  

The 2012 Conference, which was held in Denver CO, was the largest gathering of industry professionals from 23 US states ever held.  Topics covered included handling tax audiits and Federal raids, financial considerations including angel investors, legal advisories for marijuana professionals, as well as new business opportunities in AZ, CO, CA, and the East Coast. 

Conference sponsors include the National Cannabis Industry Association (NCIA), TetraLabs, Dixie Elixirs & Edibles, HelioSpectra, Cool Jarz, MMC Depot, Cannasure, SMG Advisors, Canna Security Advisors, and many more.

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Title: Editor
Group: MMJ Business Daily
Dateline: Providence, RI United States
Direct Phone: (401) 354-7555
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