Johnny Blue Star Johnny Blue Star
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: American Fork, UT
Thursday, January 26, 2023

Johnny Blue Star
Selected As

Promotion & Content Director of We The Kids, Inc.

January 25, 2023

210 North 100 East #10
American Fork, Utah 84003

 A 509(a)(2) Public Charity Organization


Contact: Johnny Blue Star, CEO, New Galaxy Enterprises

New Galaxy Enterprises, Inc. is proud to announce, its CEO, Johnny Blue Star, has been appointed to the Board of Directors of We The Kids, Inc, a 509(a)(2) Public Charity Organization, specializing in presenting American History and Citizen Rights and Responsibilities to children with parental involvement.

His specific role as an officer of We The Kids will be as Promotion and Content Director, meaning he will be responsible for promoting the We The Kids to the public and supervising broadcasting and other content for We The Kids. His company will be engaged in helping to promote We The Kids’ projects. https://wethekids.us

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Johnny says, “I first became aware of We The Kids when I applied for a job creating a grant for We The Kids through Judy Lane Frazier, the Founder and President of We The Kids. Since the project both radio and television shows for children, I found it particularly interesting since I had created two science fiction series, one with my own children as stars of the show. Over the last few years, I have been very concerned about what has been happening to American children. I was tremendously impressed by Lane’s total commitment to a project presenting children the amazing facts about American History and citizen rights and the responsibilities that will fall to them when they are adults. I believe it was meant to be and should be a major part of children’s media.”

“One of our major goals right now is to launch our own We the Kids online family broadcasting network, continuing shows featuring the We The Kids Liberty Players, young kids who have interviewed local historians in various States and had educational interviews with Living Historical figures. We are now planning on adding more shows and more exciting content to the We The Kids project.”

Here are a few of Johnny’s major projects relevant to We The Kids’ media efforts.


*A 1970s attempt to launch a science fiction multi-media series on radio, hoping to jump-start interest in in other media. The Adventures of Ganymede Jones was about a rough-hewn starship captain who encounters the transformative powers of an interstellar grail.

*Johnny produced, directed, and acted as the protagonist in the series, enlisting many media professionals. It was broadcast on KMOD, a Rock Station with a second series broadcast on the University of Tulsa’s NPR station.


*In the mid-90s, Johnny launched, with his own children, among others, his son’s idea for an interactive science fiction series called Sound-Off 3000. The theme involved children of the 31st century trying to communicate with children of Earth, attempting to keep it from being destroyed in the future by the Hydrakans as it had in the recent past.

*The Hydrakans were able to invade Earth because it had fallen into profound negativity The children of the future were aided by an alien civilization to broadcast backwards in time so that children could learn. positive thinking, honesty and good citizenship, healthy lifestyle and diet, freedom from drugs and all the negativity that gave the Hydrakans the ability invade our Solar system

*The series was produced with the aid of a production engineer who had worked on the Green Hornet radio show on WOR. We had a great deal of local sponsorship, with Barnes and Noble and Blockbuster Video contributing gifts.

See a bit more background about these shows at https://newgalaxybroadcasting.com/our-history/

Johnny relates “Somewhat after working on these children’s shows, I was fortunate enough to meet Paul Winchell, the ventriloquist/inventor, who worked with me to develop screenplay based on his autobiography, “Winch,” which I edited, helping him promote it through press releases and booking interviews for articles and radio shows.  I then developed, with him www.paulwinchell.com, including a shopping cart to sell autographed books, CDs, and photos. Although we never finished the project, our attempts to create the Paul Winchell Internet Network, featuring his and other children’s shows, greatly increased my interest in bringing children to great children’s shows produced in the past, relevant for children today.”

We The Kids will soon be launching a crowdfunding project to develop its new online broadcasting system. We are seeking volunteers to share our links and promote this project. Please contact me if you are interested in actively helping us in promoting our project, largely through your connection in social media and email. Please put WE THE KIDS CONTACT in the subject line.

Johnny Blue Star, CEO, New Galaxy Enterprises, Inc.
Promotion and Content Director, We The Kids, Inc

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Johnny Blue Star
Title: CEO
Group: New Galaxy Enterprises. Inc.
Dateline: American Fork, UT United States
Direct Phone: 760-323-0193
Cell Phone: 760-323-0193
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