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Music Monday: The Potty Train
Mache Seibel, MD -- Menopause Expert, Speaker, Editor HotYearsMag.com Mache Seibel, MD -- Menopause Expert, Speaker, Editor HotYearsMag.com
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Newton, MA
Monday, April 19, 2021


I was giving a lecture on music and medicine at Babson College school of entrepreneurship several years ago, when one of the lawyers there asked me a personal question…

“Do you have a song on potty training? I’ve tried everything with my kid and nothing is working! I’d be really interested in a song on that.

It turns out I didn’t; but it didn’t take me long to come up with what I saw as a real solution…The Potty Train.

It’s fun messaging that kids of a certain age love. And parents have been telling me they love it too because it really works. Now that I have a grandson, I’m seeing The Potty Train through a whole new lens.

So come aboard….and take a seat… on The Potty Train! CLICK HERE to Listen.  Music, lyrics and vocals by Mache Seibel; Ben Schwendener on piano; Bridget Kearney on bass and Mike Calabrese on drums.

For more of my music, visit HealthRock.Bandcamp.com/music.

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Get a free subscription to this award-winning digital magazine by visiting www.HotYearsMag.com. Issues contain videos, music, quotes and recipes and of course, lots of valuable, easy to understand articles on how to live a healthy, happy and hormonally balanced life.   

For more information or to schedule an interview, contact Dr. Mache Seibel at info@mymenopausemagazine.com or 617-916-1880.

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Mache Seibel, MD
Title: Founding Publisher
Group: The Hot Years Magazine
Dateline: Newton, MA United States
Direct Phone: 617-916-1880
Cell Phone: 617-851-5034
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