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Middle Market /SMB CEO, President, Leaders: Risk and Governance Secrets
Gary W. Patterson -- Big 4 CPA, Stanford MBA Gary W. Patterson -- Big 4 CPA, Stanford MBA
Atlanta, GA
Friday, December 6, 2019

Increase the sustainable value of your business
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White Paper Survey - New Strategies for SMB Companies and Leaders: Top Risks

December 4, 2018 – Dallas, Texas and Atlanta, Georgia – Sustainable profitable growth and strategic enterprise risk management (ERM) expert Gary W. Patterson, FiscalDoctor®, proposes an executable plan to increase the value of your middle market or SMB company in his article Top Risks & Governance Strategies for the Less than Fortune 1000 Company published by Corporate Compliance Insights (CCI) --- https://www.corporatecomplianceinsights.com/risks-governance-strategies-smbs/

Here's how you can use this newest Blue-Ribbon Commission report to benefit your organization:

  • Review the survey's ranked list of top concerns and opportunities for the next year and compare it to your current list of top opportunities and risks. Make any necessary adjustments for your organization's unique situation and needs.
  • Do a deep dive on the summaries and series of appendixes, which can be used like off-the-shelf templates to be customized for your business.
  • Finally, make sure this information validates your strategic plan, budget and enterprise risk management framework. 

Who should consider applying this process with applications for sustainable profitable growth governance, risk assessments and enterprise risk management (ERM) type issues, inside a value based operational and strategic assessment framework? Family business, private and public business and equity group investor

  • Corporate directors, key committee chairs and board chairs
  • Corporate officers and C-suite executives
  • Shareholders, stakeholders, regulators and legislators
  • SMB, middle market and global 2000 

To help meet financial and strategic goals, it is imperative for management to understand the magnitude of risks in pursuit of business objectives, and how the organization's products and offerings and opportunities can be mapped to these risks. Just as every person needs a medical doctor; every organization needs a FiscalDoctor and periodic fiscal checkups. He also supports special projects for business growth, risk assessments, value-based enterprise risk management (ERM), operational risk management (ORM), fiscal checkups, corporate governance, strategic planning updates, special board projects or requests and strategic growth diagnostics.  

About Corporate Compliance Insights

Corporate Compliance Insights is a professionally designed and managed forum dedicated to online discussion and analysis of corporate compliance, risk assessment, ethics, audit and corporate governance topics. Additionally, Corporate Compliance Insights is a focused knowledge-sharing forum designed to educate and encourage informed interaction within the corporate compliance community – dealing with issues of ethics, audit, compliance, FCPA, governance, risk, fraud and GRC.

Corporate Compliance Insights is owned and published by Sarah Hadden, CEO of CCI Media Group.  

About Gary W. Patterson

Patterson, a Big 4 CPA / Stanford MBA, speaks regularly on business growth, accountability, facilitation, governance, risk management, achieving corporate financial goals, and building long-term wealth. His book Million Dollar Blind Spots: 20/20 Vision for Financial Growth provides cutting edge follow-up for blind spots: how to identify them, exploit opportunities and mitigate risks. Visit his website at http://www.fiscaldoctor.com and "free" fiscal fitness test at http://www.fiscaldoctor.com/fiscal-quiz/ , or call 678-319-4739.

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Gary W. Patterson
Title: Trusted Advisor
Group: FiscalDoctor Inc.
Dateline: Alpharetta, GA United States
Direct Phone: 781-237-3637
Main Phone: 678-319-4739
Cell Phone: 781-237-3637
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