Home > NewsRelease > Meet Scott Lorenz Author of Book Title Generator: A Proven System in Naming Your Book
Meet Scott Lorenz Author of Book Title Generator: A Proven System in Naming Your Book
Norm Goldman --  BookPleasures.com Norm Goldman -- BookPleasures.com
Montreal, QC
Tuesday, September 22, 2020


Norm Goldman, Publisher & Editor of Bookpleasures.com recently interviewed Scott Lorenz President of Westwind Communications, a public relations and marketing firm that has a special knack for working with individuals and entrepreneurs to help them get all the publicity they deserve and more.

Scott has recently published Book Title Generator: A Proven System in Naming Your Book.

As a lover of books and collector of good book titles, Scott wanted to bring his three decades of book marketing experience to help authors title their books.

He has studied what makes one title work over another, looked at various techniques top authors use to title their books, and compiled this in an easy- to- read book.

Book Title Generator is designed for authors and publishers as a surefire method to uncover that coveted, memorable and winning book title using a proven system to title a book.

Follow Here to read more about Scott and Book Title Generator.

 Norm Goldman of Bookpleasures.com

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Name: Norm Goldman
Title: Book Reviewer
Group: bookpleasures.com
Dateline: Montreal, QC Canada
Direct Phone: 514-486-8018
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