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Mauricio Velasquez, President of DTG, Recently appeared on two radio shows - current, relevant workplace issues, hate
Mauricio A. Velasquez, MBA -- The Diversity Training Group Mauricio A. Velasquez, MBA -- The Diversity Training Group
Washington, DC, VA
Thursday, August 11, 2022

Mauricio Velasquez, President of DTG, Recently appeared on two radio shows - current, relevant workplace issues, hate

Mauricio Velásquez, President of DTG Appears on Two Radio Shows


Herndon, VA --- Mauricio Velásquez, President of The Diversity Training Group (DTG), a premier Diversity and Inclusion (D&I), general harassment prevention consulting and training boutique appeared on two radio shows recently – USA Radio's Nationally syndicated Gary Nolan Show "Warrior for Liberty" and the Frankie Boyer Show.  DTG has never been more relevant with current political climate, hate on the rise, harassment, CRT, etc.  Both appearances can be found on DTG's website – diversitydtg.com/radio.  Both appearances were well received with rave reviews.  Podcasts, video snippets also on website and on YouTube (use full name).

The Diversity Training Group, starting its 27th year, led by President Mauricio Velásquez---featured guest on national radio talk shows across the country and a frequent national speaker, also has appeared on TV--- provides consulting and training in D&I, harassment prevention (gender equity), rescue diversity, mentoring, executive coaching, expert witness testimony and helps our clients with "winning the war for talent" in this era of the Great Resignation.

More information can be found on Mauricio and his DTG training and consulting team, at DTG's website diversitydtg.com.  Contact Mauricio/DTG at (703) 478-9191 or mauriciovelasquez@diversitydtg.com



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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Mauricio Velasquez, MBA
Title: Founder, President
Group: Diversity Training Group
Dateline: Herndon, VA United States
Direct Phone: 703-850-1145
Main Phone: 703-478-9191
Cell Phone: 703-850-1145
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