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Make 2009 the Year You Live Your Life Fully
Nina Amir -- Best Transformation Coach Nina Amir -- Best Transformation Coach
Los Gatos, CA
Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Given the current economic condition in the US, 2009 could become the year that Americans have to look at their lives in a totally new way. If they stay focused upon their finances, like the economy they may spend a good part of the year, if not all of it, receding into a depression and not living their lives fully at all.

According to author, journalist and speaker, Nina Amir, the cost of not living our lives fully is much higher than most things we could buy or even the money we might have lost on the stock market recently. ?What does not living your life fully cost you?? she queries. ?Love? Friendship? A fulfilling career? A romantic relationship? Joy? Peace? A greater sense of self worth? Maybe even financial security? These things are more costly than anything else.?

Most often the things that stop us from living what Amir calls a fully-lived life include fear, depression, lack of money, low self-esteem, laziness, and complacency. ?All of these things can become problems when we are faced with an economic crisis such as the recession in which the United States now finds itself. That?s why its imperative that people find a way to make the New Year one in which they find ways to be happy and live fully despite their financial situation and the country?s economic crisis,? says Amir.

While most people don?t really know what living fully means to them and have trouble describing it or imagining it, they have to get out of the mode of existing ? surviving even. They have to begin thinking about what it means to live fully and then actually live their lives to the fullest extent possible. Although Amir has a 12-month plan for doing this, called the Living Fully Challenge, 12 Months to a Fully-Lived Life, which people can subscribe to on her website (www.purespiritcreations.com) and which will be available as an e-book after January 1, she offers the following three tips for beginning to live fully in 2009.

Living Fully Tip #1: Take action towards your goals and dreams. Realize that you have been allowing the way you feel and the beliefs you have about yourself, as well as the feelings and beliefs you have about your current situation or life, to stop you from doing the things that constitute living fully. Commit to moving past these perceptions and taking at least one action step towards a thing, action, experience, or goal (or all four) that you want to have in your life this coming year. Do something to make that part of your life this year. ?Action always gets our blood pumping and makes us feel less apathetic and victimized. It gives us a sense of power over our lives. Take control! Do what you can to move forward with your life,? says Amir.

Living Fully Tip #2: Do something you?ve always wanted to do. ?This can be something as small as learning to knit or as large as going on a trip to Australia. Find something within your current financial means that feels exciting and fun and that you have been putting of or not finding time to do, and simply do it,? Amir suggests. ?There?s no time like the present. And you never know what the future will bring, so you better do what you want now. Doing so will surely make you feel more alive.?

Living Fully Tip #3: Do something you feel afraid of doing. Move through your fear. ?Fear stops most people from living their lives to the fullest extent. It stops them from leaving abusive relationships and from having a spiritual experience. It stops them from going on a job interview and from trying new foods. It stops them from going hang gliding and from asking someone out on a date. ?Whatever it is that you feel afraid of doing, make yourself do it. You?ll be glad you did,? claims Amir, who is the president of Pure Spirit Creations. ?Not only will you feel free afterwards, you?ll be exhilarated and happy. You?ll feel more alive and ready to take on the next challenge. That?s living fully.?

Amir reiterates that 2009 may be a year that keeps people stuck in survival mode rather than living fully if they don?t make a conscious attempt to not only make the best of their situations but to actually celebrate them. ?Having gratitude for what we have and celebrating our little successes can encourage us to move forward this year and help us come to a place of joy and peace despite our own situations and the economic condition of our country. In this manner we can come out better off than we started when the recession ends. We?ll already be living our lives to the fullest extent. Having our financial situations improve will just be icing on the cake,? claims Amir.

Currently writing four books, Amir is the author of three booklets and several workbooks, including The Kabbalah of Conscious Creation and The Priestess Practice. She serves as the spirituality and holiday expert for Conversations with Mrs. Claus, a podcast heard on www.yaktivate.com, and listened to by over 80,000 people each month in more than 90 countries. Through her writing, classes and workshops, Amir offers practical spirituality and human potential and personal growth tools from a Jewish perspective but with wisdom that crosses all spiritual and religious lines.
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Name: Nina Amir
Title: Inspiration to Creation Coach
Group: Pure Spirit Creations
Dateline: Placitas, NM United States
Direct Phone: 505-508-1025
Cell Phone: 408-499-1084
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