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Lifesaving Resources stresses that NO ICE should ever be considered as SAFE ICE!
Lifesaving Resources, LLC Lifesaving Resources, LLC
Kennebunkport, ME
Sunday, December 26, 2021

Gerry Dworkin
Video Clip: Click to Watch


The lakes and rivers are starting to freeze and Lifesaving Resources is sending out a reminder that NO ICE should ever be considered as SAFE ICE!  We offer the following points to keep you safe while on or near the ice.

1.  Ice might be suitable in one section of the lake, but compromised in another due to snowfall, fish, birds, rocks, branches, etc.  You need at least 4" of new, clear, hard ice before venturing out on foot, skis or skates.  Additional thickness is needed before going out in groups or on snowmobiles.  

2.  When venturing out, carry a plastic pee-less WHISTLE to alert others in the event of an emergency.  

3.  Carry ICE PICKS which are used to help self-extricate yourself out of the water and back onto solid ice in the event of a fall-through.  And, if you do fall through, turn back in the direction you just came from as you know that ice was strong enough to support you. While climbing out, distribute your weight onto the ice and then roll away from the hole before attempting to crawl further away towards safety.  

4.  Consider wearing a float-coat or lifejacket while on the ice.  The float coat will provide warmth on the ice and in the event of a fall-through will provide buoyancy and extended hypothermia protection.  

5.  Keep pets under control and off the ice!  A large percentage of ice emergency incidents occur because a dog goes through the ice and the incident deteriorates further when humans attempt to save the pet.  Numerous tragedies occur each year when people fall through and drown while trying to save their pets.  

6.  Never drive a vehicle on the ice.  If you absolutely have to, then open your windows beforehand.  Should the vehicle fall through, your only escape route will be through the windows as the doors may not open due to ice or water pressure against the door.  And, lastly....  

7.  In the event of someone falling through, do not attempt to rescue them othern than to perform a shore-based rescue from the safety of the shore by throwing something or extending something to them.  Call 911 as soon as possible to get the First Responders who are trained and equipped to respond.  

For more information, access the Lifesaving Resources' website at www.lifesaving.com.






Lifesaving Resources (www.lifesaving.com) is a private company dedicated to drowning and aquatic injury prevention and emergency management.  Located in Kennebunkport, Maine, Lifesaving Resources is recognized both nationally and internationally as a leader in Ice and Water Rescue training programs for First Responders.  The company develops educational programs in Water Rescue, Swiftwater Rescue, Ice Rescue, Lifeguarding, Drowning Prevention and Aquatics Safety, and conducts this training throughout North America as well as Internationally.  The company conducts an annual INTERNATIONAL ICE RESCUE INSTRUCTOR ACADEMY, as well as an INTERNATIONAL WATER RESCUE INSTRUCTOR ACADEMY.  The purpose of these internationally-recognized Academies is to train and authorize Ice and Water Rescue Instructors for Fire, Rescue, EMS, and Law Enforcement agencies.  For information on any of their programs, please access their website at https://www.lifesaving.com.



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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Gerald M. Dworkin
Title: Consultant, Aquatics Safety and Water Rescue
Group: Lifesaving Resources, LLC
Direct Phone: 207-967-8614
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