Home > NewsRelease > Let’s Do Launch: How to Ensure Your Next Launch Soars
Let’s Do Launch: How to Ensure Your Next Launch Soars
Linda Popky - Leverage2Market Associates, Inc. Linda Popky - Leverage2Market Associates, Inc.
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: San Francisco, CA
Wednesday, January 3, 2018


Jennifer LeBlanc
Writer, Speaker, Strategic Consultant

Jennifer LeBlanc is the CEO and Founder of ThinkResults Marketing, a full-service marketing agency that has delivered over $1.5B in new revenue to clients. A scientist, professional speaker, author, coach, and mentor, she is well known in the Bay Area as a strong advocate for advancing women in science and technology. She speaks regularly on best consulting practices and business strategy.

As part of her marketing and executive coaching practice, Jennifer is certified as a Master Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) Coach. She works with entrepreneurs and executives to help them make quick and lasting change in their lives, so they can create the impact they were born to make. Her book entitled Launching for Revenue: How to Launch Your Product, Service or Company will be available in early 2018.

In this podcast, Jenn talks about why so many launches fail. She shares examples of highly successful launches and discusses some of the key elements that can define launch success or failure.

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Linda Popky
Title: President
Group: Leverage2Market Associates
Dateline: Redwood Shores, CA United States
Direct Phone: 650 281-4854
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