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Lessons We Can Learn When High Profile Infidelity Makes the News
Ruth Houston - Eat Smart Weight Loss Expert Ruth Houston - Eat Smart Weight Loss Expert
New York, NY
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Infidelity expert Ruth Houston says we can learn a great deal from cheating celebrities, politicians, and sports figures when their extramarital affairs make front page news.

As an infidelity expert who is frequently called on by the media to comment on high profile infidelity, Houston, the founder of www.InfidelityAdvice.com  and author of Is He Cheating on You? – 829 Telltale Signs, usually draws on her 16+ years of infidelity research to discuss infidelity scandals from a practical point of view.

Many Lessons to Be Learned

Says Houston, "When high profile infidelity makes the news, it often paves the way for dialogue on seldom discussed aspects of infidelity ,like sex addiction, serial cheaters, emotional infidelity, same sex infidelity and more. If we take time to look behind the headlines there are many valuable lessons to be learned."

Houston continues, "High profile infidelity can be a learning experience - not just for people involved in extramarital affairs -- the cheating husbands, betrayed wives, and mistresses -- but for the general public too. But we need to look past all the headline hype."

Houston, who has been quoted in USA Today, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Los Angeles Times, the New York Daily News, Cosmopolitan, CNN.com and  other print and online media worldwide, writes extensively on all aspects of infidelity from discovery to recovery, for Club Mom, Divorce360, and Examiner.com.

Below are links to several of infidelity expert Ruth Houston's articles which focus on some of the lessons we can be learn from the Tiger Woods infidelity scandal that's currently dominating the news.

The Tiger Woods Infidelity Scandal

More Lessons from High Profile Infidelity

Other articles by infidelity expert Ruth Houston discuss valuable lessons that can be learned from other episodes of high profile infidelity, including the Sanford Affair, the David Letterman Affair,  and the Steve Phillips – Brooke Hundley Affair.

The Mark Sanford Affair

The David Letterman Affair

The Steve Phillips - Brooke Hundley Affair

The above-mentioned articles, and other articles on high profile infidelity from an infidelity expert's point of view can be found on the National Infidelity Examiner page at Examiner.com or at www.RuthsExaminerPage.com  

About Ruth Houston:

Infidelity expert Ruth Houston is the founder of www.InfidelityAdvice.com and the author of Is He Cheating on You?– 829 Telltale Signs.  She has been researching infidelity for over 16 years.

Frequently called on by the media to comment on popular infidelity issues, high profile infidelity, and infidelity breaking news, Ruth Houston has been quoted in USA Today, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Los Angeles Times, the New York Daily News, Cosmopolitan, the New York Post, the Chicago Tribune, FoxNews.com, ABCNews.com, msnbc.com, Reuters, the Associated Press, UPI and numerous other print and online media worldwide.

Houston has also been a guest on The Today Show, Good Morning America, CNN, Fox & Friends, Fox News, CBS News, NPR, GMTV, BBC, CBC, CTV and hundreds of other radio and TV news and talk shows in the United States, Canada, Europe, South America, New Zealand, Australia, Africa, and the Caribbean.

Ruth also writes as the National Infidelity Examiner for Examiner.com

To interview infidelity expert Ruth Houston, or book her to speak at your next event, call 718 592-6039 or e-mail InfidelityExpert@gmail.com  

For more information on infidelity and extramarital affairs, visit Ruth's Infidelity News and Views Blog, www.InfidelityAdvice.com  or see Ruth's National Infidelity Examiner page at http://www.examiner.com/x-17416-Infidelity-Examiner  

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Name: Ruth Houston
Dateline: Elmhurst, NY United States
Cell Phone: 718 708-9799
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