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Larry Tracy Talks on Radio About Communication Skills of Current & Former Leaders, Supreme Court Hearings, Great Speaking Skills

President Reagan & Lincoln, Both Great Communicators Admired by Larry Tracy

As an ongoing guest on the syndicated James Lowe Radio Show, Larry Tracy, author Bring Home the Bacon: How to Deliver Persuasive Presentations that Get "Buy-in" from ANY Audience, gave listeners a terrific synopsis and analysis of how Judge Brett Kavanaugh was prepped for the Supreme Court confirmation hearings, how he must conduct himself and why keeping his emotions in check was paramount. Now, looking back after the fact, that is exactly what Judge Kavanaugh did, that is until he was pushed too far by false charges and then he gave his famous opening statement that was anything but non-emotional. Larry Tracy, who gave hundreds of briefings and presentations during his career in the Army, many to hostile audiences, was sympathetic with the plight of the Judge and understood why his emotions took hold in that instant.

In one of the podcasts below, just as the hearings were getting underway, Tracy explained how he was required to keep his emotions in check because "they are the enemy of efficiency and clear thinking." When attacked during a presentation, he would "pretend he was an air conditioner" in order to keep a clear head and respond in a manner that disarmed both the attacker and audience hostility.

In final podcast, Larry Tracy tells a little known story about watching President Reagan giving a speech in 1984 and stories about his primary mentor, John Hughes, who developed a famous presentation about the developments with the Soviet Union around the world when the Cold War was reaching the final and tense stages in the 1980s. Tracy ended up giving that same presentation about 90 times and it was a grueling two-hour ordeal with over 150 visual aids. He counts Hughes as a great mentor in the development of his speaking and presentation skills.

Here are the podcasts from that interview of Larry Tracy with radio talk show host James Lowe.

Larry Tracy on Similar Upbringings of Judge Brett Kavanaugh & Associate Supreme Court Justice Judge Neil Gorsuch

Preping Kavanaugh For Supreme Court Hearings With Murder Board Sessions With Intense Questioning

Larry Tracy On Why Kavanaugh & Anyone Under Fire Must Keep Emotions In Check & Ignore Insults

Great Speakers Who Inspired Larry Tracy; President Reagan, His Mentor John Hughes, JFK & Lincoln

Bring Home the Bacon: How to Deliver Persuasive Presentations that Get "Buy-in" from ANY Audience is available on Amazon as a Kindle e-book for $ 3.99.

About Larry Tracy:

President Ronald Reagan praised Larry Tracy as "an extraordinarily effective speaker" for his speeches on controversial policy issues addressing some of the U.S. toughest audiences. A former army colonel, Larry originally managed and trained the Pentagon's top briefing team, the Defense Intelligence Agency's Presentation Division. He was responsible for daily strategic intelligence briefings to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Secretary of Defense, Congressional staffs and other Washington decision-makers. His skills took him to the State Department, where he delivered hundreds of presentations on contentious foreign policy issues, many of them debates occurring before demanding, often hostile, audiences.

Described by his superior as "the State Department's most sought after and articulate spokesman," he was invariably assigned the most difficult speaking assignments. Larry helps train speakers and presenters to convert audiences that have already made up their minds. His specific training and consulting specialties include presentation skills for executives, public speaking for professionals, persuasion skills training, managing audience emotions, and preparation for media appearances.

For more information contact E.B. GO Vision Media at ebgovm@pm.me

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Name: Larry Tracy
Group: Tracy Presentation Skills
Dateline: Bethesda, MD United States
Direct Phone: 571-214-9210
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