Home > NewsRelease > LA School Shootings: Security Policy Disconnects Create Safety, Credibility Risks
LA School Shootings: Security Policy Disconnects Create Safety, Credibility Risks
National School Safety and Security Services -- Ken Trump National School Safety and Security Services -- Ken Trump
Cleveland, OH
Thursday, January 20, 2011

Failure to follow security procedures and communicate with parents leads to post-crisis crisis

"The failure of school administrators to follow set security procedures and to communicate effectively with parents creates increased safety risks and a 'post-crisis crisis' for school leaders who lose credibility with parents," says Kenneth Trump, national school safety expert who conducts security assessments and emergency planning consultations for K-12 school districts nationwide.

Gardena High School administrators in California reportedly failed to follow established procedures for daily metal detector scans. Along with delays and gaps in communicating with parents, this disconnect between policy and practice heightens parental anxiety, potentially increases safety risks, and positions school officials for greater liability, Trump says.

Trump and his team advise school boards and superintendents nationwide on security and emergency planning. He is the author of three books and over 65 professional articles on school safety. Trump is regular commentator on school safety and crisis issues in print, radio, television, and online media.

Kenneth S. Trump, M.P.A., is the President of National School Safety and Security Services, a Cleveland-based national firm specializing in school security and emergency preparedness training and consulting. Ken served as a school safety officer, investigator, and youth gang unit supervisor for the Cleveland City Schools' safety division, and as a suburban Cleveland school security director and assistant gang task force director.He has authored two books and over 60 articles on school security and crisis issues. As one of the leading U.S. school safety experts, Ken has 25 years experience in the school safety profession and has worked with school and public safety officials from all 50 states. He is one of the most widely quoted school safety experts, appearing on all national news networks and cable TV and in top market newspapers. Ken is a four-time invited Congressional witness testifying on school safety and emergency preparedness issues. For more background, see www.schoolsecurity.org/school-safety-experts/trump.html. Trump also blogs at www.schoolsecurityblog.com

Expert Background and Contact Information:

Kenneth S. Trump, MPA


National School Safety and Security Services

Cleveland, Ohio


For full biographical see


For related articles see: www.schoolsecurityblog.com

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Kenneth S. Trump, M.P.A.
Title: President
Group: National School Safety and Security Services
Dateline: Cleveland, OH United States
Direct Phone: 216-251-3067
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