Bee Lindy

Bee Lindy has beenwriting book reviews since she was a child. Her notebooks are full ofreviews that she wrote before she had her first personal computer.
Before the advent ofthe Internet, Bee had her first personal computer, and has been savingreviews on computer files ever since.
Her first reviewsappeared in her high school and college news papers many moons ago.
More recently she haswritten reviews as a guest reviewer on various book blogs.
Professionally, she isa fundraiser for various non-profit organizations which entails agreat deal of writing. Bee lives with her husband and two dogs.
View all articles by Bee LindyAuthor: Ken Czech
Publisher: FireshipPress
ISBN: 978-1611794113
“How could she forgethim asking her to share his tent? Impossible. Improbable. Simplywonderful. The days ahead were about to take a different turn fromwhat she had ever expected.”

A brand-new book from oneof the most enchanting authors I have read in a long time! 'Kiss ofFrost and Flame,' by Ken Czech is a story set in the vast Siberianwilderness in the year 1581, and this is a story that takes anunexpected turn.
Beginning with a verytense chapter, we are introduced to Umey, a half-Samoyed,half-Russian woman who lives alone, camping in the wilderness. Umeyleft her village due to the constant mockery and bullying that shewas receiving for being half-Samoyed, but in the forest, she found akind of solace that she had not expected. However, that peace isshattered when she discovers a Russian village that has beenattacked.
Despite thesometimes-brutal landscape of her life, even Umey is shocked by thesavagery of the attack that led to all of the villagers being burnedin a pile. Before she can decide what to do, Umey is shot at bymuskets held by what she believes are Tatar rebels. Running into thewoods to escape, Umey is struck by a musket ball and but manages tocrawl to safety where she is later found by a Vogul man.
The Vogul village nursesUmey back to health, but this kindness comes at a cost—the eldersof the village send Umey out to discover who attacked the Russianvillage and why. The why, of course, leads to that twist that Imentioned, but it also leads Umey to her destiny in the form of oneformer Russian soldier named Alexey Danilov.
As one of my first readsof the new year, I had a truly great time reading 'Kiss of Frost andFlame.' If you like historical fiction, I'm sure that you will eatthis book up just like I did!
About Ken Czech
Ken Czech is a retiredhistory professor whose passion has turned to writing fiction.
His previous novelsinclude BEYOND THE RIVER OF SHAME (All Things That Matter Press,2017); LAST DANCE IN KABUL (Fireship Press, 2018); and THE TSAR’SLOCKET (Fireship Press, 2020). As a member of the Historical NovelsSociety, he has attended HNS conferences and workshops. You can findout more about Ken and his books here: