Home > NewsRelease > Kirk Cameron, Dr. Carol Swain: EXPOSING Critical Race Theory & How it WEAPONIZES Our Children | TBN
Kirk Cameron, Dr. Carol Swain: EXPOSING Critical Race Theory & How it WEAPONIZES Our Children | TBN
Carol M. Swain  -- Political Scientist, Author, and Commentator Carol M. Swain -- Political Scientist, Author, and Commentator
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Nashville, TN
Thursday, April 4, 2024


Dr. Carol Swain digs into the Marxist roots driving the push for critical race theory, while Kristen Waggoner provides parents with the necessary resources to take back control of our educational system. Josh Daws, host of ‘The Great Awokening’ Podcast, examines the startling ways that critical race theory is being used to divide and destroy traditional American society. Don’t miss these informative interviews on Takeaways with Kirk Cameron on TBN!


Carol Swain (Ph.D.) is an award-winning political scientist and former tenured professor at Princeton and Vanderbilt Universities. She is the author or editor of 10 books, including Be The People: A Call to Reclaim America’s Faith and Promise and The New White Nationalism in America: Its Challenge to Integration.

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Name: Dr. Carol M. Swain
Title: President and Owner
Group: Carol M. Swain Enterprises, LLC
Dateline: Brentwood, TN United States
Direct Phone: 615-310-8617
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Cell Phone: 615-310-8617
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