Home > NewsRelease > It’s a Great Day to Celebrate with True Stories about Overcoming…Check Out These Selections from WCY Books
It’s a Great Day to Celebrate with True Stories about Overcoming…Check Out These Selections from WCY Books
Tamira Ci Thayne Tamira Ci Thayne
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Culpeper, VA
Saturday, November 7, 2020


Today Joseph R. Biden was declared the winner of the U.S. presidential election, and is therefore slated to become our 46th president. For most of us who work so tirelessly for stronger rights for our animal friends, the environment, and humans of all creeds and colors, this development is widely hailed as a positive.

In fact, people are celebrating in the streets of our cities, and one can almost feel the lightening of a national darkness.

When fighting for the animals, activists often find themselves on the wrong side of the law, while animal abusers continue the abuse with impunity. Who Chains You Books brings you two true tales of these very struggles, and highlights the work rescuers and activists must take on, often behind the scenes, in order to carry out their mission for the animals.

Today is a great day to celebrate by choosing a story of overcoming on behalf of the animals and those who fight for them!

When dog activist Tamira Thayne and her nonprofit purchased Michael Vick’s dogfighting compound and set out to transform it to a dog rescue facility, it was widely seen as a fitting end for something heinous and unthinkable.

Yet, little did Tamira know the challenges were just beginning, as she ran headlong into the very corruption that made the county a perfect choice to house Vick’s operation.

It Went to the Dogs: How Michael Vick’s Dogfighting Compound Became a Haven for Rescue Pups is available in paperback, hardcover, audiobook, and kindle; you can even purchase autographed copies, a great holiday gift for the dog lover in your life. Find all your choices at this link: http://whochainsyou.com/wtd.html

A dog rescuer in Forks Washington positions himself as a hero for the animals, even traveling the country to gather more dogs for his nonprofit. But the ugly truth eventually surfaces, and—facing threats of lawsuits—law enforcement fails to protect the animals. It’s left up to various groups of animal rescues and activists, working in tandem, to bring the facts to the surface and find a way to win the day for these suffering dogs.

I Once Was Lost: Daisy and the Olympic Animal Sanctuary Rescue is available in paperback, kindle, and audiobook. Find links here: https://www.amazon.com/Once-Was-Lost-But-Found/dp/194604413X/

We hope you’re celebrating with us today. The animals need us, and a government who sees kindness as a positive trait is a great first step toward gaining their freedom.

Tamira Thayne is the founder and former CEO of Dogs Deserve Better. She’s the author or editor of 14 books, including It Went to the Dogs: How Michael Vick’s Dogfighting Compound Became a Haven for Rescue Pups. She is the publisher and founder of Who Chains You Books, www.whochainsyou.com.

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Title: Publisher
Group: Who Chains You Publishing
Dateline: Amissville, VA United States
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