Home > NewsRelease > Is My Brain Fog Due to Menopause or To Dementia? Health Communicator Dr. Mache Seibel Interviews Dr. Pauline Makki
Is My Brain Fog Due to Menopause or To Dementia? Health Communicator Dr. Mache Seibel Interviews Dr. Pauline Makki
Mache Seibel, MD -- Menopause Expert, Speaker, Editor HotYearsMag.com Mache Seibel, MD -- Menopause Expert, Speaker, Editor HotYearsMag.com
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Newton, MA
Monday, January 2, 2017

The confusion and brain fog that often happens around perimenopause and menopause are among the greatest worries women have at that time of life. It is the symptom that most women say affects their quality of life and their ability to be most effective at work. It can also affect their relationships.
One of the common symptoms is called Tip of The Tongue Phenomena. It’s when you can’t remember the name of the restaurant you want to go to or what someones first name is and you snap your fingers and think “I know what it is but I can’t remember it right now.” Or you may walk into a room and can’t remember what you went in for.
All of these things are common and affect about 62% of women. The good news is that most bounce back and some are not affected at all. Still, many women worry that they may have dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. And that can cause great distress. In fact, forgetfulness, difficulty remembering and depression and anxiety are all major factors that affect quality of life and work. It also affects performance in the workplace.
At the annual meeting of the North American Menopause Society I interviewed Pauline Makki, PhD, a past president of the society and past program chair about this very topic. When you listen to this interview I had with Dr. Makki, you’ll discover important information about this topic and answers to questions most women should hear to feel reassured.
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For more information or to schedule an interview, contact Dr. Mache Seibel at info@mymenopausemagazine.com or 617-916-1880.
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Name: Mache Seibel, MD
Title: Founding Publisher
Group: The Hot Years Magazine
Dateline: Newton, MA United States
Direct Phone: 617-916-1880
Cell Phone: 617-851-5034
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