Home > NewsRelease > Introducing: The Expert Witness Council -- Elevating the Expert Witness Industry Worldwide
Introducing: The Expert Witness Council -- Elevating the Expert Witness Industry Worldwide
The Expert Witness Council  --- The Association of Expert Witness Bureaus & Websites The Expert Witness Council --- The Association of Expert Witness Bureaus & Websites
Washington, DC
Friday, August 4, 2023



Introducing: The Expert Witness Council -- Elevating the Expert Witness Industry Worldwide

Washington, DC - August 4, 2023 - The Expert Witness Council, a visionary group dedicated to transforming the Expert Witness industry, is pleased to announce its establishment. The council has launched its website, www.ExpertWitnessCouncil.com, which will serve as a central hub for industry professionals and stakeholders. The domains www.ExpertWitnessCouncil.org and www.ExpertWitnessCouncil.com have been acquired, showcasing the group's commitment to a future that includes either a for-profit venture or a 501(c)(6) organization. Additionally, they have secured the domain ExpertWitnessFoundation.org, preparing for a potential 501(c)(3) entity.

The Expert Witness Council follows the successful business model of the International Association of Speaker Bureaus, bringing together top experts in the industry. The Council will be offering Charter Membership to leading Expert Witness Referral Bureaus in the USA and worldwide.

The primary objective of The Expert Witness Council is to elevate the standards and ethics of the Expert Witness industry globally, promoting trust and confidence in its services. The council will invite forty leading firms from around the world as charter members to participate in an inaugural virtual meeting via ZOOM. Key topics to be discussed include articles of incorporation, entity structure, membership qualifications, dues structure, and the establishment of a board of directors.

To serve the broader Expert Witness industry, The Expert Witness Council will offer various membership types with alternate rates. Notably, firms that hire expert witnesses may enjoy free membership, fostering collaboration and shared expertise.

Recognizing the need for an organized association of expert witness groups similar to the speaker bureau industry, The Expert Witness Council aims to provide clients and legal professionals seeking expert witnesses with access to a trusted and esteemed network of professionals. This initiative will facilitate seamless connections between Expert Witness directories, law firms, professional associations, research institutions, government agencies, and other relevant entities.

The council extends its invitation to international, non-USA expert witness bureaus, ensuring a global perspective and a diverse range of expertise. With the aim of fostering international cooperation and advancement, this initiative promises to be a game-changer in the Expert Witness industry.

With The Expert Witness Council leading the way, the future of the Expert Witness industry looks brighter than ever. By setting new standards, promoting excellence, and connecting top-tier experts, the council is poised to leave an indelible mark on the industry's landscape.

For media inquiries or more information about The Expert Witness Council, please visit ExpertWitnessCouncil.org or contact the Executive Director, Mitchell P. Davis, at:

Note: List of Expert Witness Directory and Referral Services invited as Charter Members:

US Based:

  • The Expert Institute - expertinstitute.com
  • Expert Witness Directory - expertwitness.com
  • JurisPro Expert Witness Directory - jurispro.com
  • SEAK, Inc. Expert Witness Directory - seakexperts.com
  • ALM's Expert Witness Directory - law.com/almID/expert-witness/
  • HG Experts - hgexperts.com
  • ExpertPages - expertpages.com
  • Thomson Reuters Expert Witness Services - tr.com/en/products-services/expert-witness-services.html
  • ForensisGroup Expert Witness Services - forensisgroup.com
  • IMS ExpertServices - imexperts.com
  • The TASA Group - tasagroup.com
  • Round Table Group - roundtablegroup.com
  • Experts.com - experts.com
  • FindLaw Expert Witness Directory - directory.findlaw.com
  • MedWitness, Ltd - med-witness.com (For Medical Experts)
  • Ankura Consulting - ankura.com
  • Robson Forensic - robsonforensic.com
  • Saponaro, Inc. - saponaroinc.com
  • Expert Engine - expertengine.com
  • Consolidated Consultants - freereferral.com

International - Non-USA Bureaus:

  • Expert Search Group (UK) - expertsearch.co.uk
  • UK Register of Expert Witnesses - jspubs.com
  • Expert Witness (UK) - expertwitness.co.uk
  • APIL Expert Database (UK) - apil.org.uk
  • The Academy of Experts (UK) - academyofexperts.org
  • Law Society of Scotland Expert Witness Directory - lawscot.org.uk
  • Expert Witness Australia - expertwitness.com.au
  • Expert Experts (Australia) - expertexperts.com.au
  • Expertise Finder (Canada) - expertisefinder.com
  • Canadian Society of Forensic Science - csfs.ca
  • Hong Kong Expert Witness - hongkongexpertwitness.com
  • X-Pro UK - xpro-legal.com
  • Bond Solon (UK) - bondsolon.com
  • MEDICO-LEGAL Journal (Ireland) - medicolegal.ie
  • South African Medico-Legal Association - samla.co.za
  • Indian Society of Medico-Legal & Forensic Science - ismlfs.org
  • National Expert Witness Agency (UK) - newa.expert
  • Lawyer.ie Expert Witnesses Directory (Ireland) - lawyer.ie
  • Foresight (UK) - foresight.expert
  • Nahodka (Russia) - nahodka.name

Types of Memberships for the Larger Expert Witness Industry:

  1. Law Firms
  2. Expert Witness Directories
  3. Professional Associations
  4. University and Research Institutions
  5. Private Referral Services
  6. Government Agencies
  7. Court Services
  8. LinkedIn and Other Social Networks
  9. Online Marketplaces
  10. Medical Expert Witness Services
  11. Credentialed Expert Witness (EXP)
  12. General Expert Witness

There will be a combined "Do You Qualify as an Expert Witness" Questionnaire and Application Form: There will be a combined questionnaire that doubles as an application form, providing applicant information to all member expert referral bureaus.  



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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Mitchell P. Davis
Group: ExpertClick.com
Dateline: Washington, DC United States
Direct Phone: 202-333-5000
Cell Phone: 202-864-9420
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