Home > NewsRelease > Interscan's SENSOR EXPRESS® Program Is Still Leading The Way
Interscan's SENSOR EXPRESS® Program Is Still Leading The Way
Michael D. Shaw -- Expert in Health Care and Environmental Affairs Michael D. Shaw -- Expert in Health Care and Environmental Affairs
Washington, DC
Tuesday, January 23, 2018


The Company's Subscription Service For Pre-Calibrated Replacement Sensors Continues To Grow

Interscan introduced SENSOR EXPRESS® nearly three years ago, as a unique answer to the problem of how end-users can calibrate gas detection instruments focused on exotic gases. While on-site calibration of toxic gas detection instruments is simple enough for the more common compounds such as carbon monoxide and hydrogen sulfide, it can be cumbersome and expensive for many other substances of interest.

For example, calibration of chlorine, ethylene oxide, and formaldehyde instruments usually requires permeation devices—along with all the associated equipment. And, no field method for calibration of hydrogen peroxide or peracetic acid instruments is available commercially.

To make matters worse, the above-mentioned gases—and many others— have OSHA Permissible Exposure Limits well below 10 parts-per-million. When detecting such compounds, quarterly calibration of instruments is recommended.

"This has become so much easier with the advent of SENSOR EXPRESS®," says Interscan's service manager Sharon Zirkelbach. "Let's face it: Calibration for the 'exotics' had always been an issue. We are hearing positive comments from customers nearly every week. This program really is a game-changer."

Since proper calibration is essential to successful gas detection, Interscan is proud to offer this service to the industry.

To find out more about this unique program, please fill out this form.

Interscan Corporation
4590 Ish Drive
Simi Valley, CA 93063-7682

Phone:    1 800 458-6153 (US and Canada)
              (818) 882-2331
FAX:       (818) 341-0642
Web:      www.gasdetection.com

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Michael D. Shaw
Title: Executive VP/Director of Marketing
Group: Interscan Corporation
Dateline: Reston, VA United States
Direct Phone: 703-796-6063
Main Phone: 1 800 458-6153
Cell Phone: 818-481-0626
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