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Innovation 101 From Gregg Fraley -- Best Keynotes on Creativity & Innovation
Gregg Fraley -- Best Creativity Consultant Gregg Fraley -- Best Creativity Consultant
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Chicago, IL
Wednesday, January 27, 2021


Kick Start Ideas That Lead to Growth

Three Hour Virtual Training, February 5th, led by Innovation Master Trainer Gregg Fraley

Dodge the Pitfalls & Establish an Innovation Cycle

There are more pitfalls in an Innovation Initiative than the moon has craters. Getting started is challenging because there is a great deal of conflicting advice in the form of books, consultancies, methods, and anecdotal stories. Does one need to take a Stanford course or read 35 books about innovation to get started? No, but, you do need good training in the fundamentals. That provides context for the 35 books or course in advanced practice you’ll do later.

Start Your Innovation Program Now

Innovation 101, Kick-Start Ideas That Lead to Growth is a three hour virtual training that is perfect for “newbies” to innovation, but also provides fresh insights for experienced innovation managers (you will get ideas on how to improve). You’ll learn the most essential things to get a continuous innovation program going, while navigating a road full of potholes. It’s also instructive for those who are struggling to gain momentum in an existing program. The time to start innovation is now, otherwise you are being left behind.

Most Common Pitfalls in Innovation Initiatives

  • No Mandate to Innovate — it can get you fired
  • Lack of Training — what you don’t know will hurt you
  • No Innovation Process, or, Too Much Process — how to strike a balance
  • No Talent — it may be hiding in plain sight
  • No Team, or, a Dysfunctional Team — only 20% of teams are successful
  • No Projects, or Poorly Managed Projects — if you’re not doing projects, you’re not doing innovation
  • No Motivation, Poor Innovation Culture, Lack of Persistence — culture trumps everything else
  • Risk Aversion — how to build corporate confidence and learn from failure, while showing concrete results as you go
Innovation 101 addresses the pitfalls and provides actionable advice on how to address them. The essential content of the virtual seminar has to do with the essential best-practices of innovation, including frameworks, culture building, and most importantly, establishing a cycle of projects. Visionize and roadmap your innovation future.

Register Now

Innovation 101 takes place on Friday February 5th, from 11 to 2 PM Eastern Standard Time. The ticket price for the online event is $100. For more detail on the course content, review the Eventbrite page and Register! For group discounts or questions regarding content, please contact Gregg Fraley (gregg@greggfraley.com).
Participants in the course receive the following materials and services:
  • An electronic copy of Jack’s Notebook, a business novel about creative problem solving
  • A shell innovation process framework document, customizable to an organization
  • A shell innovation Mandate Agreement that sets the stage for organization-wide innovation efforts
  • Idea development worksheets
  • A copy of the presentation materials
  • Post-session innovation coaching (one hour)

Serious Content, Fun Delivery

Gregg Fraley is a master trainer in innovation, working with customers like Coca-Cola, Johnsonville Sausage, P&G, and Leo Burnett. He’s a thought leader and a highly experienced hands-on innovator. Gregg is a Visiting Innovation Scholar at Notre Dame, and is the author of Jack’s Notebook, a business novel about structured creative process. Gregg has a secret ingredient to his training programs: Fun, he has a well developed sense of humor, and that helps when communicating complex material. Fun, then Serious Results.
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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Gregg Fraley
Title: Founding Partner
Group: KILN Ideas, Ltd.
Dateline: Three Oaks, MI United States
Direct Phone: 773-251-8567
Cell Phone: 773-251-8567
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