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IFERS Enters 15th Year of Success in Education, Research & Providing Scholarships & Internships for Students from 70 Countries

Professor Newton Lee with IFERS Benefactor & Newton Lee Fan, Quincy Jones

Overcoming fears and phobias, many phantoms of the mind courtesy of emotional insecurities, is what prevents millions from reaching their full or even half-full potential, the latter which may be enough to changes millions of lives. Professor Newton Lee, now a college professor, author of books and scores of academic papers, magazine editor and founder and President of IFERSInstitute for Education, Research & Scholarships, possessed a brilliant mind on top of introverted personality. To achieve what he has to date, especially as it relates to the many amazing aspects of IFERS, Newton had to set this aside and stride through that firewall of fear and doubt with full-faith his inherent abilities and desires would push him towards the goals set down in the IFERS' Mission Statement: Changing the world for the better through education, research and scholarships.

IFERS can look back on nearly fifteen years of success, the first ten when Newton Lee was a Walt Disney Company senior staff software engineer, producer and 4-time recipient of the Disney VoluntEAR Leadership Award, in funding cutting edge medical research projects, publishing books now in over 4,000 library holdings worldwide, sponsoring educational conferences, musical productions, a computer magazine, Veterans Book Club and awarding scholarships to hundreds of worthy students from around the world to attend university, just to name a few.

However, for this exercise, rather than going through a litany of especial achievements, such as funding the development, manufacture and distribution of affordable microscopes for poorer countries or raising the awareness of and helping to find cures of the pernicious Type 1 Diabetes affecting the young and old, it is better to look at the inspirational aspects of this organization's founder and driving force.

Raised in Hong Kong, Lee earned a full scholarship to study Electrical Engineering at Vincennes University and then transferred to Virginia Tech in favor of Computer Science. Having had to also support himself while in school by teaching and a research assistantship, the stage was set for him to create his own 501(c)(3) as a vehicle to support education, research and scholarships. In 2004 IFERS was established, but that is only part of the story.

Readiness & Vision is All: Dreams are the stuff of life, while unrealized dreams are a poison in the heart which can wither the soul and destroy the psyche, maybe not today or tomorrow, but over time they loom larger and larger. Newton Lee saw, knew, acted and succeeded; and yet for him, in oh so many ways, the work has just begun. His vision does not exceed his grasp because he refuses to let it be so, for history is full of the brilliant who talked, planned and did nothing to capitalize on those gifts, visions and opportunities.

Should he stop now, his efforts would be applauded, but that will not happen. In conversation with Professor Lee, one is belied by a soft spoken manner which masks an iron will; the humble man whose wide-range of interests, grasp of the mechanics of the complex and logistics of the straightforward mix with courage to take the leap of faith, look at problems from many angles and happily accept any challenge.

For example, he recently combined with the Winds of Freedom Foundation, whose primary mission is the promote peace through the Winds of Freedom Symphonic Documentary Movie, to stage events that will showcase their shared goals and shed light on both organizations. They have already staged one event, an Earth Day-Peace Event in April 2018, and are planning a Peace Day LA event set for September 21.

This is another of one those departures for a man and his organization that deserves the support and recognition of many.  

IFERS & Winds of Freedom Foundation Have Formed a Working Alliance to Create Fund Raising Events & Opportunities: 

For more info go to http://www.IFERS.org or contact E.B. GO Vision Media at EBGOVM@pm.me.

About IFERS: 

Established in 2004, the Institute for Education, Research, and Scholarships (IFERS) is an award-winning California-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit public charity organization dedicated to improving society by providing resources to high achieving students, scientific researchers, community nonprofit projects, and educational organizations. We believe in changing the world for the better through education, research, and scholarships. Our ultimate goal is to create a better world with lasting peace, prosperity, and universal rights for all.

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Name: Michael Butler
Group: E. B. GO Vision Media
Dateline: Marina Del Rey, CA United States
Direct Phone: 510-529-6856
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