Home > NewsRelease > Hurray Hurray, It's Father's Day
Hurray Hurray, It's Father's Day
Dale Irvin -- Very Funny Speaker Dale Irvin -- Very Funny Speaker
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Chicago, IL
Wednesday, June 16, 2021


Join the three boomers as we look back on Father's Day from our past. And they are joined by Buddy Fender the world's number one advisor, with advice on any topic. 

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As The Professional Summarizer I add a new dimension to your next meeting - especially the virtual ones we all have now.

I listen to the entire meeting and pay attention to every detail. Then I report back to the audience on what they should have learned in the form of a comedy monologue.

What I did with this week's news I can do for your meeting.

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Dale Irvin
Title: Professional Summarizer
Dateline: Downers Grove, IL United States
Direct Phone: 630-235-2038
Cell Phone: 630-235-2038
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