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How to beat mental burnout that is plaguing America's workforce In the wake of COVID 19
Stuart Tomc Stuart Tomc
San Diego, CA, CA
Thursday, August 6, 2020

How to beat mental burnout that is plaguing America's workforce In the wake of COVID 19

In the wake of COVID 19, mental exhaustion is plaguing America's workforce

7 Tips for Beating Burnout

Officially classified in 2019 as an occupational phenomenon by the World Health Organization, burnout in America's workforce is soaring.

The term, introduced in 1974 by Herbert Freudenberger in his book, Burnout: The High Cost of High Achievement, was originally defined as, the extinction of motivation or incentive, especially where one's devotion to a cause or relationship fails to produce the desired results. The WHO further describes the symptoms of burnout as;

·         Feelings of energy depletion or exhaustion

·         Increased mental distance from ones job, or feelings of negativism or cynicism related to one's job; and

·         Reduced professional efficacy.

Not surprisingly, burnout in the US has soared since the COVID-9 pandemic began -- with new pandemic-related stressors hitting especially hard those employees already afflicted with job burnout, says Stuart Tomc of CV Sciences. 

Continual exposure to stress influences our outlook on life. A recent survey of 1000 US employees about how they were impacted by COVID-related stresses found:

·         50% felt less connected to their colleagues

·         36% felt less positive about their career

·         45% felt they were less productive

Chronic workplace stress is being exacerbated by all of the new uncertainties that the COVID-19 pandemic brings, says Tomc. Homeschooling children, caring for sick relatives, and worrying about job security are just some of the new stressors American workers are facing in addition to the challenges of battling the coronavirus.

Tomc says stress isn't always bad as long as it occurs at the proper time and for a reasonable duration. It's an adaptive response that helps us rise to a challenge and meet what's in front of us, says Tomc. Stress is something that typically resolves and has some sort of closure, but for those experiencing burnout, there's no real resolution in sight so the stress becomes chronic in nature.

TV news programs serve as a hidden source of stress, contributing to burnout for millions of Americans, says Tomc. The programs adversely affect both our physical and emotional health by unnecessarily keying-in our stress responses through repeated broadcasts of same alarming images, morning to night.


1. Communicate with supervisors and relevant co-workers about specific stressful conditions you are experiencing. Work to change expectations and reach compromises or solutions.

2. Change your diet: No more nervous snacking on candy and cookies. Consume natural, unprocessed proteins, fats and oils, and plenty of leafy greens.

3. Turn off the TV and stop surfing the Web: This will help stop your body's' over-production of stress hormones, which leads to inflammation throughout the body.

4. Try a relaxing activity. Explore activities that can help with stress such as yoga, meditation, or tai chi.

5. Get some exercise. Outdoor walks and regular physical activity can help take your mind off work. Exercise also can increase expression of feel-good neurotransmitters in your brain as well as strengthen your immune system. 

6. Get more sleep. Sufficient sleep is vital for physical and emotional health. 

7. Try calming supplements: Calming herbs and supplements like ashwagandha, chamomile, kava kava, lavender, GABA, 5-HTP, and hemp-derived CBD extract all can relieve stress and anxiety. In addition to helping with stress, CBD supports and fine-tunes the immune system. 


1. The WHO has classified burnout as an occupational phenomenon. What is burnout and what causes it?

2. Why do some people experience burnout while others do not?

3. How has the coronavirus pandemic exacerbated burnout in America's workers?

4. Let's discuss some of the things we can do to fix our own burnout.

5. CBD extract is listed as a supplement that not only reduces stress, but it fine-tunes the immune system. Tell us more about CBD and its properties.

6. Most of us may have heard about the endocannabinoid system.

7. Where can listeners find more information about PlusCBDOil?


Stuart Tomc is a 30-year veteran in the nutritional health industry and a recognized authority on functional foods and dietary supplements. A renowned educator, Mr. Tomc is an expert on hemp-derived CBD and its multiple mechanisms of action to support human health. He serves as national spokesperson for CV Sciences, makers of PlusCBD Oil. His lectures and presentations can be viewed on YouTube's CV Sciences YouTube channel.

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