Home > NewsRelease > How to Use AI and Relationship Marketing for Your Business
How to Use AI and Relationship Marketing for Your Business
Terry Brock -- Achievement Systems Terry Brock -- Achievement Systems
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Orlando, FL
Saturday, July 20, 2024


Saturday 20 July 2024

From the Laptop Computer of Terry Brock

Are you concerned about potential economic downturns affecting your business?

Are rising interest rates and credit card debt encumbering you?

Are you relying on credit cards to finance your business through 2024?

Hey, a lot of fellow Entrepreneurs are doing that today

There is hope for you as a content entrepreneur that can help you enormously.

In fact, it is so dog-goned good (technical term) today that it is mind-blowing!

Here are some ideas to increase your revenue and build more business.

There are solid ways to build your business by bringing in the right people at the right time, in the right way.

That has always been the key and it is even more important today.

The best part is that you can launch new products that the market is eagerly looking for and ready to buy from you.

We called that “a good thing” back home in the country.

The key is to focus on how you can leverage this concept we’ve been talking about called Relationship Marketing.

I’ve spoken for thousands of people around the world for many years about Relationship Marketing and it is still valid today.

Today it is about properly leveraging AI to build relationships

Mutually-beneficial, profitable relationships.

Relationship marketing has been what business is all about for a long time.

Now is the time to build those relationships by leveraging AI tools and reaching out to people as never before.

This is what we’re doing at Stark Raving Entrepreneurs to help you build your business and achieve your goals.

We’re doing this now for our members who have joined and are embracing a new way of living life on their terms, on their own time.

This is a wonderful moment in your life where you can take advantage of AI tools like GPT, Perplexity, Claude 3.0, and many others.

Check out this YouTube video we put out on how you can monetize your business to create more sales and achieve the goals you truly want:

Monetize Your Business

So what do you think? Please let us know. We look forward to helping you and guiding you to achieve your business goals.

I look forward to hearing your thoughts and comments and wish you the very best.


YouTube http://www.YouTube.com/StarkRavingEntrepreneurs
Linkedin http://www.linkedin.com/in/marketerterrybrock
X (Formerly Twitter) https://x.com/terrybrock

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Terry Brock
Group: Achievement Systems
Dateline: Orlando, FL United States
Direct Phone: 407-363-0505
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