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How to Survive and Grow When Tragedy Happens
Dr. Judith Briles --The Book Shepherd Dr. Judith Briles --The Book Shepherd
Denver, CO
Wednesday, January 22, 2020

When God Says NO book


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How to Survive and Grow through Your Grief When Life Goes Wrong

When God Says NO

Revealing the Yes When Adversity and Loss Are Present

Does your life feel that sometimes it's too long; too hard; and not fair? It did for Judith Briles. Her personal journey has been littered with NOES. Two of her children have died; she survived a life-threatening illness—paralyzed several months; survived a divorce that the tabloids would have relished; overcame cancer; and lost everything she had built when a partner embezzled over a million dollars leaving her without any assets but family, friends … and herself. For Judith, too many times it was a sink or swim scenario … but first, she had to learn how to tread water! Resilience became her middle name.

Broke and broken, she had to start over … one step, one breath, one heartbeat at a time more than once. Within When God Says NO, she reminds YOU that you are not alone when bad times surface. They will … they do.

Despite the numerous setbacks in her life, or rather, because of them, Judith Briles found the tools to help her overcome any obstacle. Get ready to embrace the joy of living, even when tragedy is in your midst. When God Says NO will change how you think; how you act; and maybe your life.

No one holds a monopoly on good times. Invariably, everyone comes to a point where life is miserable. When Judith finished When God Says NO, she said, "Pain is inevitable … misery is not. This is my life."


When God Says NO – Revealing the YES When Adversity and Loss Are Present

by Mile High Press

May 1, 2019 | $27 USD | 1st Edition

5 x 7 | 250 pages

Hardback | ISBN 978-1-885331-73-1

Memoir | Grief | Inspiration | Self-Help

Notes to Editor:

  • Digital and limited print review copies available upon request.
  • Author is available for interviews upon request at 303-885-2207.
  • Cover image and excepts available upon request.

About Mile High Press:

Mile High Press was founded in 2000 as an independent small press. To date, it has published 25 nonfiction titles. The website is www.MileHighPess.com and email MileHighPress@aol.com.


Judith Briles can provide background, commentary and story ideas related to writing, book publishing and professional speaking. She responds quickly to interview requests. Call 303-885-2207 (cell), 303-720-668-8927 (land) or email Judith@Briles.com.

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Dr. Judith Briles
Group: The Book Shepherd
Dateline: Aurora, CO United States
Direct Phone: 303-885-2207
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