Thursday, April 2, 2020
- How should someone vet their moving company in these times?
- Same as before, ask questions, ck references, BBB, Yelp, Insurance, bond, local company. In addition, ask about what precautions and protections they have implemented due to pandemic concerns.
- If someone is moving themselves and may be just renting a big
truck, how can they do that safely?
- Rent from a known, local, reliable company. In addition, ask about what precautions and protections they have implemented due to pandemic concerns. Addition questions: Do they clean & disinfect the cab, cargo space and wash exterior to truck of the truck after each use/rental? What chemicals (disinfectant) do they use? What health screening do they apply to employees doing the work? When was the truck you are renting last used? Best to get one that hasn't been used for several days to a wk. if possible. If the truck cab and windows are visibly soiled/dirty, have them reclean it in your presence or don't rent it. If it looks clean, to be on the safe side clean and disinfect the cab, steering wheel, all knobs and cargo area touch points yourself before entering or accepting vehicle.
3. Should someone clean and disinfect the truck?
Ans. See answer to question 2.
4. Why is a good idea to hire a professional cleaning service to clean the new space?
Ans. Maybe yes, maybe no. Depends on what the cleaning service will do, what level of cleaning and disinfection you require, also cost and availability. If you choose a qualified cleaning service that understands the importance of cleaning, uses professional products and has qualified and trained staff your chances are pretty good you get the service you want. I would ask question about procedures, products, employee screening and do the normal due diligence of checking recent references (at least 3), BBB, Yelp, insurance and bonding, association membership, is the staff trained and certified and by whom (IICRC, BSCAI, CMI,) Get a proposal, price and schedule in writing. Lastly, I'd personally monitor the job at the start and randomly during the process to make sure you are getting what you want, need and paid for. Be vocal if you don't like what you see. If the work is good, give the works a tip. If it's not going as you expect, stop the job, point out your concerns to the manager and it that doesn't solve the problem, get them out of the house early in the process.
5. How should someone vet cleaning services?
Ans. See Ans to question 4.
6. How can you know if movers/cleaners are considered essential services in their area?
Ans. Ask the contractor for written verification. If you are still not sure, contact your local health dept, the governor office or Dept of Labor and Industries. In most states, cleaning, maintenance and moving services would be considered an essential service.
7. What are some common questions/concerns are you hearing from movers these days?
Ans. Same as other companies: Is anyone in the home sick? Are my employees going to be safe? What can I do to protect myself, my employees and customers? Where can I get masks, gloves, gown, disinfectant, etc.? Is there something else I should or could be doing? Where can if find good help? How long is this going to last? Is my business going to be able to survive?
8. What's different about moving these days?
Ans. Everything. See answer to above questions.
9. Other comments:
If you are moving into a new home/apt/codo/RV. Wear a mask and gloves when you visit/inspect the property. If you don't like the condition, have it cleaned and disinfected. If you are concerned, have the space cleaned and fogged with a disinfectant solution or gas by a professional cleaning company. A fairly new product used in the restoration industry is a "Chlorine Dioxide" spray or gas. One company I've had some experience is ProKure.
10. Covid 19 Infection Prevention Tips for Home Service Professionals. (attached)
11. Covid 19 The World will Never be the Same Again. It Will be Better. (attached)
12. William Griffin Bio link to Bio on website below.
By Wm. R. Griffin, Pres.
Twitter: @cleanconsultant - Facebook:
Copyright © 2019/2020 Wm R. Griffin, Sea. WA. 98198. C-206-849-0179,
F: ccscovidrealtormovingclng rv.04.02.20