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How To Quickly Use Fewer Words For Greater Results
Val Wright -- Global Leadership and Innovation Expert Val Wright -- Global Leadership and Innovation Expert
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Los Angeles, CA
Tuesday, October 20, 2020


If a CMO of a complex global $10 billion-plus company can write their strategy on one page, why can’t you? One of the executives I am working with created a paper placemat for her CEO to review her new strategy. All on one page. It enabled her to get her new three-year plan approved in record time, and allowed the executive team to consume her new strategy at the right level without getting lost in the details.

She did it by using the following Executive Team Communication Rules.

Ten rules for communicating to your executive team and board:

  1. Start with the headline first. Your audience will ask you for the detail they need next.

  2. Do not use a 125-page deck to convey your message.

  3. Speak at the right altitude for your audience.

  4. Provide your point of recommendation, not your endless debate.

  5. Be clear on the intent of your conversation and state it to prevent crossed wires.

  6. Don’t use a paragraph when a sentence will do.

  7. Don’t use a sentence when one word will do.

  8. Don’t use a word when silence will do.

  9. Preview key recommendations one-to-one before communicating topics of importance.

  10. Recap and summarize what will happen next before the meeting ends.

If you follow these guidelines you will not just improve your influence at the executive level, you will also improve your ability to deliver an impactful presentation.

You can find more communication and influence tips in my book Rapid Growth Done Right here.

Dedicated to growing your business,


P.S. I hope you enjoyed this week's VAL-uable Insights, sign up here to get them in your inbox each Monday morning: http://valwrightconsulting.com/newsletter-sign-up/

  Val Wright is a recognized leadership and organization expert. Working with Xbox, Microsoft, Amazon and LinkedIn, she has spent the last 20 years partnering with executives to accelerate growth and gain market superiority across the the games, technology, retail and e-commerce industries.

She is know for telling leaders what they need to hear, not what they want to hear. Leaders seek her out when they need to accelerate their business results, build organizations, develop leaders and create world-class people strategies. Val is a dynamic speaker who will provoke, inspire and provide immediate value to your audience. She has been quoted in Fast Company, E-commerce times, Yahoo.com, Aol.com, usnews.com, NJ.com, TheNetworkJournal.com and TechNerwsWorld.com.

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