Does it really matter?
I don’t have the time - why bother?!
Social media is a distraction and a waste of time!
My company is forcing me to repost corporate content on my personal social channels -is that right?
Can it really make a difference to my business?
I was speaking at Xchange’s conference in Denver last week answering all of those questions and more about why it matters and how to strengthen your digital footprint.
I asked everyone in the audience to rate if they thought they were magnetic, memorable, a mystery, or completely missing when they think about their digital footprint. It was fascinating to see how many wanted to strengthen how they showed up digitally to their customers, partners, peers, and communities.
Timing was perfect as an executive, Dawn Ringstaff, VP at Cloudflare, who had applied some of my advice, was in the audience and was able to tell the story of how she originally was a cynic about the idea of increasing their digital presence. We had discussed the idea of using video to share that she was hiring, she was reluctant, but did it anyway. Dawn made a brilliant video sharing that she was hiring.
Dawn’s video captured the attention of a great candidate who was hired, started, and even was also at the conference so I got to meet them! Glad it worked out Jessica Chavez!
Customers, partners, your bosses peers, future hires, conference organizers, board members, and your peers are all googling you. Don’t be like the one executive I was working with last month who had an unusual name and STILL the third hit for his search on Google was his antiquated MySpace page!!
Many people ask me “ so what exactly is a digital footprint?” and my answer is simple…. Showing up digitally where ever your customers and partners hang out.
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Dedicated to growing your business,
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