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Hiring the wrong people? Unable to find and retain top talent?
Stephen R. Balzac, Leadership Development Expert Stephen R. Balzac, Leadership Development Expert
Stow, MA
Monday, September 13, 2010

Stephen R Balzac
For Immediate Release

Hiring the wrong people? Unable to find and retain top talent?

Your company may be experiencing the "Taboo of the Bananas!" Sending the wrong messages to potential candidates and interviewers alike can cripple your hiring process and guarantee that you always end up with mediocre results.

Stephen Balzac, consultant and author of "The 36-Hour Course on Organizational Development," discusses the problem, and how to solve it, in his recent article, "The Taboo of the Bananas: Organizational Culture and Recruiting," published by the Journal of Corporate Recruiting Leadership.

Small decisions can have big impacts, especially when we don't even realize we're making those decisions! If you want to hire the best, it's not enough to be the best: you also need to understand the message you're sending!

About Steve Balzac

Stephen R. Balzac, "The Business Sensei," is an author, consultant, and professional speaker. He is the president of 7 Steps Ahead, LLC, a consulting firm specializing in helping businesses increase revenue and build their client base.

Steve's background in engineering, management, psychology, martial arts, and competitive sports makes him a popular speaker on topics ranging from leadership, motivation, team building, interviewing skills, and sport performance to computer game design. He was a guest lecturer at MIT and WPI. His articles have appeared in a number of journals, including The Journal of Interactive Drama, The IBM Systems Journal, Mass High Tech, Enterprise Management Quarterly, The CEO Refresher, The Journal of Corporate Recruiting Leadership, Analog SF/F and the Worcester Business Journal.

A recognized thought leader, Steve regularly conducts webinars through ExecSense on topics including, "How to Become an Expert Negotiator as a CEO," "The Best Ways to Position Yourself for Your Company's Management Team," "What You Would Learn From Reading the Top Ten Business Books of All Time and How To Apply the Concepts Today." Steve is a contributing author to Ethics and Game Design: Teaching Values Through Play and the author of the forthcoming 36-Hour Course in Organizational Development being published by McGraw-Hill. He is a frequent guest on radio shows including Motivational Minds and Leadership Radio, and is frequently quoted in a variety of publications.

He also holds an appointment as an adjunct professor of Industrial/Organizational Psychology.

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Stephen R. Balzac
Title: President
Group: 7 Steps Ahead, LLC
Dateline: Stow, MA United States
Direct Phone: 978-298-5189
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