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High Altitude Hucksters
Summit Consulting Group, Inc. -- Alan Weiss, Ph.D. Summit Consulting Group, Inc. -- Alan Weiss, Ph.D.
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: East Greenwich, RI
Thursday, February 29, 2024

There ought to be a law against airlines hawking credit cards over the PA at 35,000 feet when it prompts you to want to leave the plane. With a “captive” audience and a treacly, scripted sales pitch, selling credit cards is repugnant. Gain some free miles while you ruin your credit rating. Stop reading your book or writing an article while they blast false claims over the cabin. (Try to get a free seat with points when you need one.) It reminds me of an old circus sideshow.
If I stood up and started yelling obscenities, they’d have the police waiting for me at the gate. Why is the airline allowed to scream a sales pitch while you’re trying to eat mediocre food and are wondering if the pilot will ever turns off the “seatbelt” sign?
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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Crysta Ames
Title: Office Manager
Group: Summit Consulting Group, Inc.
Dateline: East Greenwich, RI United States
Direct Phone: 401-884-2778
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