The tragic fires in Southern California created trauma for people around the world because Los Angeles is an international city. So many film and television Hollywood A-List stars and hopefuls relocate to LA every year, from numerous countries and cities across America. Whether you are there or thousands of miles away when a loved one is in trouble you want to DO something to help, right? Giving Empathy is the 1st Step to understanding what is needed, even when someone is panicky and can’t think straight. Your ability to provide loving, calming Empathy can change everything for them!
Whether you have ever experienced a “run for your life” moment yourself, learning how to empathize with family and friends in Southern California this week can make all the difference for them. When I was forced into hiding because of a life-threatening divorce, I received the support of a group of friends who had expertise in all the issues that were upside down in my life and it was their kindness that was as important to me as their skills.
Speaking to friends and clients in the LA area this week I utilize Empathy which allows us to deeply connect with anyone who is suffering.
Part II of The 6 Part Conversation©
Request The 6 Part Conversation Training Chart
Start here when a friend, colleague, relative, or boss feels Triggered or unable to Listen
Silently, self-soothe either with Brain-breathing or giving yourself Self-Empathy FIRST until You feel Peaceful, then give the person suffering Empathy:
“When I hear you say that you were evacuated…
I’m guessing you feel terrified because you need to know when you can go home, right?”
“And you feel exhausted from the stress because you need to know you and your family are safe; do I understand?”
The other person replies ________________________________
“It also sounds as if you may be feeling so anxious because you need to know your house is safe, yes?”
“And you probably feel exhausted because you need to find a way to sleep; is that it?”
The other person replies ________________________________
“So, you’re also feeling overwhelmed because you need information about your insurance coverage”
“And you feel scared because you need to get back to work ASAP, did I understand?”
You continue in this way until you have heard all the other person’s feelings/needs. When they have received enough Empathy you will either hear a sigh or there will be a moment of silence demonstrating that the other person feels CALMER.
Then they will be able to focus on solutions that they could not do when they felt panic, terror, anger, grief, etc.
Please enjoy my articles about Healing PTSD or Email me for information about Healing PTSD naturally