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Green Profitability Expert: Ice Cream, Toilet Paper, the Empire State Building—and Sustainability?
Shel Horowitz, Marketing Consultant - Going Beyond Sustainability Shel Horowitz, Marketing Consultant - Going Beyond Sustainability
Hadley, MA
Thursday, October 31, 2013

Shel Horowitz, Green Business Profitability Speaker
 HADLEY, MA: What do ice cream, toilet paper, and the Empire State Building have to do with sustainability? Quite a lot, says green profitability expert Shel Horowitz. In his popular "Making Green Sexy" talks, Horowitz—bestselling author of eight books including Guerrilla Marketing Goes Green—uses these case studies and examples:

Marcal, a toilet paper company that switched to recycled paper more than 60 years ago, but forgot to tell anyone

Ben & Jerry's, the ice cream company with hippie origins and a deep commitment to business as a lever for social change

• The Empire State Building, whose "deep energy retrofit" generated 33 percent ROI and savings of $4.4 million per year

Save the Mountain, a community organizing effort Horowitz founded that quickly and permanently protected a threatened landscape, even while the "experts" were wringing their hands and saying "this is terrible, but there's nothing we can do"

Walmart, the ultimate bottom-line-driven NON-treehugger company—which sells billions of dollars worth of organic food to people who don't go to Whole Foods

• The Montague Retreat Center, marketing to clients both as a green business and as the birthplace of the US safe energy movement

• Several other examples including a major UK-based cosmetics company, a long-established Swiss specialty food manufacturer, a lighting company whose solar-powered LED lights build family-centered economies in rural villages throughout Africa and Asia, and a product that slashes water use by reducing the need to flush

Horowitz's dynamic, engaging talks, featuring audience participation and bold visuals, also illustrates the need for different message points to market to Deep Greens, Lazy Greens, and Nongreens, with samples of each in several categories. (Taking his own advice, Horowitz offers a version for nongreen audiences: "Making Your Message Sexy.")

"It was a delight to have Shel Horowitz present at the Sustainable Foods Summit. Not only did he do a fabulous presentation on green marketing, but he also stepped in on less than two weeks notice to do the opening second-day keynote–a well-delivered inspirational message tracking food sustainability through the ages and into the future. Shel also understands how to work with meeting planners, and in both of his talks, stayed enthusiastic, interacted well with the audience, and kept to his allotted time."

Marie-Theres Wimmer, Austria: Organizer, Sustainable Foods Summit

"Thank you so much for sharing your time and expertise with our members. We had the most ever sign-ups—over 170. We had the most ever on the call—nearly 50. This was the most interactive of all our webinars with the most call in questions."

Denise Hamler, Director, Green America Green Business Network

"Shel's expertise in both marketing and environmental issues is doubly valuable for eco-conscious entrepreneurs and business owners. His talk at the Green Business Entrepreneur Summit demonstrated that he is a powerhouse of effective marketing strategies for social and eco-entrepreneurs."

Priti Ambani, Managing Editor, Ecopreneurist

"Shel's workshop was spectacular. He transformed a topic which could be considered dry and boring into an enjoyable and highly useful (and entertaining) workshop. Shel provided us with real-world examples of how to connect with the media in a way that gets us noticed and gets us 'gigs.'"

D'vorah Lansky, M.Ed., Organizer, Book Marketing Online Summit

Based in Massachusetts, USA, Horowitz's has addressed international conferences, universities, and business groups from Switzerland to San Francisco, and from Istanbul to Kauai. His books have been translated into Japanese, Korean, Spanish, and other languages.

To see Shel's demo reel or to book him for your next event, please visit http://greenandprofitable.com/have-shel-speak/


Subscribe at no cost to Shel Horowitz's monthly Clean and Green Newsletter and get these powerful bonuses: Seven Tips to Gain Marketing Traction as a Green Guerrilla, plus Seven Weeks to a Greener Business: tips on going greener with printing, energy saving, waste reduction, water conservation, transportation, going deep-green, and of course, green marketing (on tip a week for seven weeks). Plus, of course, the informative monthly newsletter, published steadily since 1997.

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Do you edit a publication or media channel? Shel's syndicated monthly column, Green And Profitable, will enlighten your readers on green profitability.

To see sample columns and learn how to run Green and Profitable in your publication (or its sister, column for consumers, Green And Practical, visit: http://GreenAndProfitable.com/Green-and-Profitable-Column/

Follow Shel at: @ShelHorowitz
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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Shel Horowitz
Title: Marketing Consultant/Copywriter/Author
Group: GoingBeyondSustainability.com
Dateline: Hadley, MA United States
Direct Phone: 413-586-2388
Main Phone: 413-586-2388
Cell Phone: 413-512-0165
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