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Gilgo Beach & Freeway Killer Have Eerily Similar Personalities: Ability to ‘Compartmentalize Lives’ is Serial Killer Hallmark
Vonda Pelto, Ph.D.-- Serial Killer Expert, Author 'Without Redemption' Vonda Pelto, Ph.D.-- Serial Killer Expert, Author 'Without Redemption'
Long Beach, CA
Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Rex Heuermann & Bill Bonin

Hollywood, CA—Headlines are filled with news about the Gilgo Beach serial killer suspect Rex Heuermann, who was arrested and charged last week for the murders of three women. A resident of Massapequa Park, Long Island, not far from where the remains of 11 bodies were found at Gilgo Beach, he will probably be charged for a fourth murder as investigations continue. A 2010 cold case that was revisited by a dedicated task force, it turned out a 2011 law enforcement "possible suspect" profile hit the mark in many ways.

Vonda Pelto, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist and co-author of Without Redemption, a historical biography of Freeway Killer Bill Bonin, was struck by how some of Rex Heuermann's personality traits matched up to Bonin, and other serial killers she dealt with. Pelto, who had many sessions with Bonin at LA Men's Central Jail, was not surprised by Heuermann's ability to "hide in plain sight" for over a decade.

"Like Bonin, and other serial killers, he was able mask his true personality, keeping it in a walled off space in his mind. After committing horrible crimes, they can still be all things to all people, Bill Bonin was a master at being this type of chameleon," Pelto commented. "Heuermann did the same thing, he used his veneer of success and intensity, combined with being physically intimidating, to keep people at arm's length and seal up his secrets."

While Bonin's reign of terror was short compared with that of Heuermann, they both preyed on a vulnerable set of people who might not be missed: sex workers. For Bonin it was hustlers on the streets of Hollywood, for Heuermann the shady world of on call female escorts in New York.

During the Bonin murder sequences in Without Remorse: Creation & Deeds of Freeway Killer Bill Bonin, His Five Accomplices & How One Who Escaped Justice, his absolute and total contempt for hustlers was on full display. Pelto, who dealt with over a dozen of the worst serial killers in history, is sure that Heuermann feels the same about the women he murdered, not viewing them as worthy of the time of day let alone being allowed to live!

More news of Heuermann is going to flow out as friends, neighbors, associates and maybe family members talk about their dealings with him.

Without Redemption is currently a best seller on Amazon in three True Crime categories: Forensics Biographies & Memoirs, Biographies of Serial Killers and Biographies & Memoirs of Criminals. It has sold copies throughout Europe and in Canada, Australia, New Zealand and all over the United States.

Without Redemption Book Trailer

Without Redemption is currently a best seller on Amazon in three True Crime categories: Forensics Biographies & Memoirs, Biographies of Serial Killers and Biographies & Memoirs of Criminals. It has sold copies throughout Europe and in Canada, Australia, New Zealand and all over the United States.

Here is UK True Crime writer Paul Cheston's complete review of Without Redemption: Creation & Deeds of Freeway Killer Bill Bonin, His Five Accomplices & How One Who Escaped Justice.

Unique & Amazing Serial Killer Biography

I would unreservedly recommend 'Without Redemption' as the most profound analysis of a serial killer I have read.

It is based on unprecedented access to probation, medical, psychiatric reports, police statements and court documents, and, as an author and journalist, I know how difficult, nay impossible, it is to gain access to such a treasure trove of detail and insight.

But most importantly it has the unique perspective of Vonda Pelto's own interviews with Bonin and his accomplices and the mass killer's own handwritten diaries.

The authors spare no one in exposing how Bonin was allowed to game the system and names of those professionals and institutions which put their own vested interests ahead of their duty to have him locked up long before he even started his killing spree.

Michael Butler has a light writing style which keeps the pace moving briskly and never loses the balance between explaining why Bonin killed and the devastating impact of this need to kill on the victims and their families.

Without Redemption is currently available on Amazon, Kobo and Google Play and has found interested readers in the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and throughout Europe.

Below are eight Kindle E-Gift Links.

Here are Eight FREE E-Gift Kindle Links for Without Redemption:









Vonda Pelto, Ph.D. on Gary Nolan Show

Without Redemption: Creation & Deeds of Freeway Killer Bill Bonin, His Five Accomplices & How One Escaped Justice, Paperback ISBN: 979-8841931249, Hard Cover ISBN: 979-8844477775. For more info go to www.WithoutRedemption.com and purchase copies at Amazon, Google Play or Kobo.

Media Contact: For interviews or to request review copies contact Flotsam PR at 319-504-3788 or flotsampr@pm.me.

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Name: Vonda Pelto
Dateline: Long Beach, CA United States
Direct Phone: 213-534-7292
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