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Georgetown Village Honors Sachiko Kuno
The Georgetowner Newspaper -- Local Georgetown News The Georgetowner Newspaper -- Local Georgetown News
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Georgetown, DC
Thursday, May 23, 2024


The Georgetown Village Spring Gala on May 16, honored Dr. Sachiko Kuno — founder of S&R Evermay and also “a committed scientist, philanthropist, and entrepreneur” — for her vital support of the “Neighbors Helping Neighbors Thrive” non-profit. S&R Evermay’s Fillmore School on 35th Street provides offices and meeting space for Georgetown Village.

During her remarks, Kuno said, “At S&R Evermay, we envision a world where time and space are used to bring inter-generational group together to address real-world problems. Georgetown Village embodies S&R Evermay’s values through their simple, yet profound mission to provide social connections programs, and services that enrich the lives of those aged 55 and older, ensuring they remain engaged, refilled and vital members of our community.

“I just might be speaking from personal experience when I say that older adults are critical part of our communities here in Georgetown, Burleith, Hillandale, and beyond.

“S&R Evermay is so happy that Georgetown Village has found a home at the Fillmore school, and it has been wonderful to witness how quickly they transformed the space into ‘the village square’ and fill their calendar with movie nights, lectures, social hours, and lunches.” 

Among the notables on hand to speak was Ward 2 Council member Brooke Pinto.

The joyful and sun-filled gala was held at the Washington Harbour home of Nancy Taylor Bubes and Alan Bubes, who are also major supporters of Georgetown Village.

See photos of the May 16 event at this Georgetown Village photo album.

News Media Interview Contact
Name: Sonya Bernhardt
Group: The Georgetowner Newspaper
Dateline: Georgetown, DC United States
Direct Phone: 202-338-4833
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