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Foot Book Still in Print and Selling After 12 Years
Dr. Burton Schuler -- Morton's Toe Expert Dr. Burton Schuler -- Morton's Toe Expert
Panama City, FL
Thursday, April 1, 2021

Foot Book Still in Print and Selling After 12 Years

On April  1, 2009 Dr. Burton S. Schuler , Podiatrist  of  Panama City, Fl.  published his book titled   "Why You Really Hurt: It All Starts In The Foot". The  book is about  a  medical/foot  problem known as the Morton's Toe.   During the past 12 years 20,000 copies of "Why You Really Hurt: It All Starts In The Foot" . have been sold ( paper backs) 

Dozens and dozens  have left  unsolicited reviews and comments on the Amazon website  attesting to  how the book has changed their life;  by getting them out of foot pain when everything else has failed.

According to Tom Doherty president of Cardinal  Publishing Group of Indianapolis Ind. the books international distributor   "this is one of those rare books that should sell forever because more and more of the public is just discovering it"

But here is a recent unsolicited review of "Why You Really Hurt: It All Starts In The Foot"


Dr. Burton S. Schuler, Podiatrist, Foot Doctor, of Panama City, Fl is this country  leading expert on the painful medical problem know as the Morton's Toe. He is the author of the  book Why You Really Hurt: It All Starts In The Foot, which was published in 2009 and has sold over 20,000 copies (papebacks)  The book is the story of how the Morton's Toe can cause pain thru out the whole body. Dr. Schuler is a 1975 graduate of the New York College of Podiatric Medicine. He has also written the 1982 The Agony Of De-Feet, A Podiatrist's Guide To Foot Care, His articles about the foot, have appeared in the leading podiatric journals and publications. He has been interviewed by such varied publications as the New York Times, Cosmopolitan Magazine, and First for Women. During his 45 year career he has appeared on hundreds of radio stations to give his expert opinion regarding the Morton's Toe and other foot problems.

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Name: Dr. Burton S. Schuler
Title: Podiatrist, Foot Specialist
Group: Dr. Burton S. Schuler
Dateline: PANAMA CITY Beach, FL United States
Direct Phone: 850 872 9073
Cell Phone: 850 708 2030
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