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Foodprices up 37% , middle income and lower income effects
Gary W. Patterson -- Big 4 CPA, Stanford MBA Gary W. Patterson -- Big 4 CPA, Stanford MBA
Atlanta, GA
Wednesday, April 20, 2022

For 30 years, I’ve helped Small and Middle Market Leadership globally improve profitability, increase cashflow, reduce risk.
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No-till farmers, strip-till farmers, conventional farmers , organic farmers, agronomists, crop consultants and cooperatives

Why No-till farmers, strip-till farmers, conventional farmers , organic farmers, agronomists, crop consultants and cooperatives can benefit can benefit from a new approach.

Why you would like to know how we can provide access to this new agricultural formula.

If you want to learn more, contact Gary Patterson President, FiscalDoctor Inc. 678-319-4739.

#Notill #sustainable #SustainableBusiness #organic #SOMI #Farmers #striptill #COOP #agronomist #cropinsurance #farming #FarmingforChange #Tractor #OMRI #toxic #insecticide #water #agtech #trial #ROI #drone #Security #supplement

#fertilizer #insecticide #OMRI #restorative #agriculture #organic #farming #agribusiness #microbial #spectrum #water #broadspectrum #agronomist #lettuce #blueberries #coffee #grapes #crop #yield #soil #dirt #organicfarming #global #biostimulant #biofertilizer



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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Gary W. Patterson
Title: Trusted Advisor
Group: FiscalDoctor Inc.
Dateline: Alpharetta, GA United States
Direct Phone: 781-237-3637
Main Phone: 678-319-4739
Cell Phone: 781-237-3637
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