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Five Keys to Diversity & Inclusion Webinar -- July 13
James O. Rodgers, PhD, FIMC -- The Diversity Coach(tm) James O. Rodgers, PhD, FIMC -- The Diversity Coach(tm)
Lithonia, GA
Sunday, June 26, 2022

Five Keys to Diversity & Inclusion Webinar -- July 13

IBM founder Thomas Watson said about his motto: THINK

"The trouble is that men very often resort to all sorts of devices in order not to think because thinking is such hard work." 

That sentiment represents what many leaders do regarding DEI. They latch onto popular rhetoric and repeat disinformation and misinformation rather than engage in a simple act -Think.




We asked hundreds of people to define diversity and inclusion in our workshops and seminars. Not surprisingly, we rarely get two people to define it with the same words. Everyone seems to feel OK making up their own definition. That is not a recipe for success.

We offer these simple definitions based on the original conception of D&I.

Diversity is the collective mix of differences and similarities.

Inclusion is the act of creating a sense of belonging for everyone.

This is the simplest and least confusing way to describe D&I. It avoids the emotional content and the inherent divisiveness of focusing on one dimension or another.

Complexity, especially unnecessary complexity, results in confusion. And we know that the confused mind does not take action. That is why there has been so little progress in the field. Without a common language and a common understanding of the intent, content, context, and outcome of effective D&I efforts, we are doing more harm than good.


THINK AGAIN - What is Strategy

"Diversity is about all of us and having to figure out how to walk through this world together." —Jacqueline Woodson, writer

Strategy, by definition, is the position a company must hold to win. Part of any strategy is a people component—who we hire and how we manage them. Understanding human behavior is key to getting people to work together more productively. A portion of each training session

should be dedicated to highlighting the organizational strategy that undergirds the need for diversity training. Just positioning the training as a response to strategy changes the dynamics of the session. It is more attractive to be "equipped," rather than to be "fixed."


Pain, Gain, or Strategy

Organizations adopt serious DEI efforts for one of three reasons: pain, gain, or strategy. Organizations in pain are usually suffering through some major disruption that calls into question how they have managed relationships with employees and/or customers. The goal in those cases is to relieve the pain. Companies seeking gain from diversity challenges will try to capitalize on the current trend. Those interested in authentic diversity initiatives will get busy integrating diversity, equity, and inclusion into every business challenge that they face.


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About the author

Dr. James O. Rodgers is recognized as the leading strategist in the field of diversity management. He is an expert in workplace dynamics and the author of Managing Differently: Getting 100% from 100% of your people 100% of the time.

Email: james@jamesorodgers.com

Phone: 770-331-3246

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: James O. Rodgers, PhD, FIMC
Group: J.O. Rodgers and Associates, Inc.
Dateline: Lithonia, GA United States
Direct Phone: 770 331-3246
Jump To James O. Rodgers, PhD, FIMC -- The Diversity Coach(tm) Jump To James O. Rodgers, PhD, FIMC -- The Diversity Coach(tm)
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