Home > NewsRelease > Erin Rye Presents Her Short- Lady Parts - Film
Erin Rye Presents Her Short- Lady Parts - Film
Rych McCain Media Syndication  and Rych McCain Black Youth Self-Esteem Workshops Rych McCain Media Syndication and Rych McCain Black Youth Self-Esteem Workshops
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Los Angeles, CA
Saturday, July 11, 2020


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Erin Rye Presents Her Short

"Lady Parts" - Film

Rych McCain International/Nationally Syndicated Entertainment Columnist

2019 HollyShorts Film Fest Highlighted Film Maker Erin Rye

Erin Rye Discusses Her Film

“Lady Parts”

      Erin Rye’s movie short for the 2019 HollyShorts Film Festival is titled “Lady Parts.” As the title may suggest, it is about the sexual exploitation of female actresses on the sets of Film, TV and Modeling shoots. Being an actress herself, Rye had a myriad of personal experiences on the subject to draw from. This is how the concept of her short was formed. She explains, “Actually, it was my partner who brought the idea and said, ‘I think your life is hilarious and crazy and I want to write about it.’ And I was no, you’re not just going to write about my life. I don’t think so. At that point we decided let’s write this thing together.”

Erin Rye
      She continues, “We really did start from a place of my frustrations in the industry. Just playing the same kinds of roles over and over and none of them being very exciting or interesting to me and also that experience of being the only woman in the room just over and over and over. We kind of wanted to write the fantasy version of what every woman wishes she would say in that moment and really tell them off. It’s not in the end a fantasy because I like that hint of realism and edge and it’s like what would really happen to that woman in that situation? She’s not really going to come out on top right? They’re just going to say alright, let’s just get another one in. So I really wanted to juxtapose the old Hollywood glamour and kind of the façade of show business and how glamorous it feels at the beginning with kind of the darker reality underneath.”

Erin Rye on red carpet

      Being an actress and now a film maker, which way does the future pull Rye? Referring to her film making capacity she explains, “When I did step into that role, I felt a lot more powerful. And I felt like oh, I can actually tell my own stories. I don’t have to wait, sit around and just take what comes my way. I can actually take some of that power back. As far as my future, I have a lot of things in the works right now. I have some writing projects that I’m doing and some directing projects that I’m thinking about. As far as the acting goes, I’m always available for that. You know. if it’s a good script or good money. We all love commercials. But really, I am focusing on my path for a writer, director, a film maker and being able to really share the stories that I think are important.”

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